
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Funday

Wow it is beautiful outside!!  This morning I opened our screen door in the bedroom to hear the birds chirp and my animals allowed me to sleep to 9:30 (8:30 without daylight savings).  I was so happy to wake up to such a beautiful day.  So after my coffee I headed outside to do some yard work and then I headed to Home Depot to pick up some plants to brighten up our patios.

our patio with some plants

pretty arrangement
I had to replace the plant out front because I forgot to take it inside and I froze it.  I decided to go with a fern.  When I first bought my house and my parents came down for their first visit my dad bought me a fern to hang out front, so anytime I hang up a fern I think of him.

I also tackled our backyard and racked up the sticks and remaining leaves.  I put the umbrella stand in place and cleaned off our patio table.  At the end of the month my in-laws are coming to visit and Donnie and his dad are going to install a patio in the backyard which I am super excited about.  But for now, our backyard looks like this.  Just a little touch of a hanging flower pot and racking the leaves and clutter can make a huge difference.

When I was in Home Depot I also picked up some paint colors for the nursery.  I am at such a loss!  I am thinking of blue, green, or grey with maybe yellow as an accent color.  Or grey with green as an accent color.  Or any combination with those colors.  Thankfully my mom is visiting in April and she has such a good eye to help me decide on how the nursery should be painted.

Last night I decided to play with potential quotes to put up in the nursery.  I think I am going to end up painting the canvases instead of using scrapbook paper but I really don't know.  When I figure out what colors to paint the nursery I think this project will be much easier and I will have a better idea what I want to put up on the walls.  But for now this is what I have been playing with:

Now its time to relax a little and get ready for the week ahead.  This coming weekend I am going to Georgia to visit one of my best friends from high school so I super excited.  She also happens to be pregnant right now and our due dates are only 6 days apart. 

I hope you enjoyed your weekend and the sun is shining where you are.  I hope the Spring weather is here to stay!!!

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