
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

18 Weeks

Super Bowl Sunday (3 days prior to 18 weeks)  but LOOK how noticeable my bump is.
Baby Woos is 18 weeks today...and he or she is becoming more noticeable by the day.  I am even starting to feel him or her a little- at least I think it is the baby that I am feeling.  Yesterday when I was at court one of the clerk's asked me if I was having twins because my belly just came out of nowhere.  I hope there is only one baby in my belly... I don't need an extra surprise at our next ultrasound. 

Whats going on with Baby Woos? 
Baby Woos is the size of a sweet potato.  Head to rump, our baby is about 5.6 inches and weighs about 7 ounces now.  Our baby is yawning, hiccuping, sucking, and swallowing now.  Baby Woos is also twisting, rolling, punching and kicking too... so right about now I should start feeling baby Woos more and more.  The baby's sex organs are also fully developed... can't wait for next ultrasound to find out what we are having. 

Whats going on with me?
I am uncomfortable.  I have gained a total of 10 pounds but it is all in my belly.  This week I may also have some not-so-fun symptoms, like swollen feet or hands, backaches, leg cramps and nosebleeds.  While sleeping, experts remind you that it is important to make sure to lay on your side because the baby is big enough to press against your large veins and reduce blood flow.  Stress and discomfort is also common and will make sleep hard this week so the experts advise to make sure expecting mothers plan on some time to rewind and suggest to schedule a prenatal massage.  I think I can do that!

18 weeks

In addition, the doctors say that my cardiovascular system is undergoing dramatic changes and that during this trimester my blood pressure will probably be lower than usual.  (At my last appointment it was 118 which is low for me). They also warn not to spring up to fast from a laying position or else you may feel a little dizzy.  I already feel dizzy sometimes so I like hearing that this is a symptom to look forward too.   

Exercise Always Gets Rid of my Sickness. 
This morning when my alarm went off at 5:45 I wanted to press snooze but I was a good girl and got up and dressed for boot camp.  Exercising always makes me feel better when I am sick.  I still have the sniffles but my level of energy is already increased this morning.  I really don't know what I would do without my boot camp class.  Baby Woos felt a little heavy at times when working out but other then that I felt great in class.  It is so strange how my body has slowed down but I'll take a healthy pregnancy over completing the most reps any day.  Happy Wednesday!  (and I am not a fan of the sports-bra pictures but the work clothes I am wearing today don't show much..except it looks like I ate a little too much pizza and beer)
Look at that bump! 

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