
Friday, January 18, 2013

Recap of First Trimester

Baby Woos at around 9 weeks

Baby Woos at 11 weeks

Baby Woos-14 weeks:  Welcome to 2nd Trimester

First Trimester:

Since I am already onto my second trimester now I will do a short recap of my first tri-mester.

To be honest with you I didn't realize that I was pregnant until I ran the 10K with my friend Becky.  It was the first 10K I ever ran but towards the end something just didn't feel right.  It felt like I was going to pee my pants.  So that weekend after the race I bought a home pregnancy test and sure enough it said I was pregnant.  I showed my husband (at 5:30 am) and we couldn't believe it.  So 30 minutes later I peed on another stick and I was still pregnant.

That weekend was my first sober experience at our friends wedding and WOW wedding dancing is very entertaining.  My husband was so excited that he told "a few" of his close friends.  A few meaning all the groomsmen in our wedding plus some.  :)

Morning Sickness and other Symptoms:

Lucky for me I did not have morning sickness.  What a blessing.  The only time I felt a little sick was during boot camp but I probably just drank too much water.  I also noticed that I had to start eatting before boot camp or else I would get dizzy.  My class is at 6:30 am so I used to not eat before class. 

Besides my tummy growing I didn't feel that much different in my first tri-mester.  That is until week 12 and 13 when my tummy just started to get in the way and my clothes were starting to get tight.  Oh and I was always hungry!!!

Exercise Frustrations:

In the begining I didn't notice too much of a difference, except that I felt heavier when running and I couldn't do a full sit-up.  Seriously one day I was doing full sit-ups and the next I couldn't sit up.  It really was the strangest thing and it frustrated me.  Early in December I even ran a 5K while I was 8 weeks pregnant and got my PR.

Towards the end of my first trimester I also had to modify certain exercises so all the blood didn't rush to my head.  I'm still doing full burpies, lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks, candlesticks, etc.  I just really have to listen to my body and know when to rest and let my heart rate come down.

I know that second trimester is not going to be as easy!

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