
Friday, March 29, 2013

Outside Projects

First off, I want to say Go CUSE!  I loved watching Syracuse beat Indiana... now off to the Elite Eight.

On other news- my in-laws came down early to beat the rain next week and house projects are being completed.  This is so exciting since I have wanted a patio/deck of some sort since I moved into our home in 2008.  Donnie and his dad have been hard at work.  It is not completed yet but here is a starting picture:  (more to come after the completion).  The men were hard at work yesterday from about 10 am until 6 pm. 

digging holes to build the foundation

My sweet mother-inlaw also decided that she wanted to stay busy while I was at work and the men were working in the backyard.  She had brought some plants from home to re-plant in my front gardens.  To my surprise, when I got home from work the front garden not only had new plants in them but the garden was mulched, and the weeds were gone.  I can't say how grateful I am to not have to mulch the front gardens.  (I wish I had a before picture to show how much work needed to be done.)

too much sun.. but you can see all the flowers starting to grow and bloom
I am so thankful that I have wonderful in-laws!

At our wedding during the ceremony we had our wedding officiant mention both our parents because they have been happily married for over 60 years combined.  It is rare now a days to find two unbroken families by divorce and Donnie and I are so fortuante to have both grown up in really good families. 

Happy Good Friday and have a Wonderful Easter Weekend!  This weekend will be filled with watching basketball, finishing projects, and spending time with our family and friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're crackin the whips! Sheri's gardening looks great. I know how tough it is to clean up after winter.. Keep us posted. Happy Bunny Day:)
