
Friday, March 15, 2013

Bootcamp at 23 weeks

I know that I have spoken about my bootcamp class more than once but it seriously keeps me on track.  It would be so easy for me to quit right now and say I can't do it anymore because I am pregnant but I am not going to do that.  And some mornings when my alarm clock goes off I seriously go through every excuse in my head why I can skip today's class but I stay strong and go to class. 

Without exercise and my boot camp class I don't think I would be enjoying my pregnancy the same way. Although their are days where Baby Woos is just extremely heavy and sitting way up front I still feel like my body is in pretty good shape- even with all the extra weight. Don't get me wrong I have to do modified versions of a lot of the exercises but their are still a good bit of exercises that I continue to do without modifications.  I am still proud to say that I can do burpees and candlesticks without any modifications.  They are definatly getting harder to do but I am proud of myself for not giving up and just using the excuse that I am pregnant to get out of an exercise.

If you don't know what a candlestick is then check out this youtube video:  Candlestick Demonstration (This video is actually of my boot camp instructor demonstrating-- it was the first video that showed up when I did a google serach.)

Another reason why I need my exercise is because exercise is the one thing that that has for the most part remained the same while I've been pregnant.  Yes- I haven't run in any races since December, and yes- my exercises are modified, but I am still exercising at least three days are week.  Most weekends and nights during the week I would rather stay home and curl up on my couch instead of going out with my friends.  Prior to being pregnant I always enjoyed happy hour, dinners out, and enjoyed being on the go during the weekend.  Not being able to drink does have a part of why happy hour isn't as much fun but I really love relaxing at home, or gardening, or doing house projects.  I don't know if its nesting or if I am trying to have my relaxation time now since in a few months it will vanish. 

With Baby Woos growing daily I think it is time to invest in some new workout tops (and clothes in general).  I am not a big fan of the belly shirts but sometimes you have to work with what you have.  :)  And this weekend I have made some me time with my highschool bestfriend.  Hopefully we will go to some maternity stores and buy cute pregnant clothes.  I tried on a skirt yesterday (because I was going to wear it with my belly band) and it just barely fit- with the zipper all the way down!

Happy Friday.  Have fun drinking green beer for St. Patty's Day!!

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