
Friday, March 22, 2013

24 weeks: To Do List

I can't believe it has already been 6 months.  Although I still have time I am starting to panic a little on all the things that still needs to be done.  Since I love check lists, I thought I would make a check list of everything still on my to-do list.

This is the list I received from my insurance company today on the items to bring with you to the hospital... the list was so long:

Stuff to Do:
  • Set up life insurance policy for our family
  • Do we need to write a will? 
  • Figure out and ask our future God Parents if they will be God Parents  (we already have our godparents picked out)
  • Research cord banking
  • Take tour of hospital (East Cooper) and fill out paperwork- Is their another financial agreement we need to sign?
  • Do I need a birth plan?  Mine is get to the hospital in time so I can have an epidural.  Anything else I am forgetting?
  • Choose a pediatrician- one in West Ashley
  • Buy a car (my focus is not Baby safe)
fun stuff:
  • continue with prenatal yoga classes
  • complete baby registry- Target and Babies-R-Us  mostly completed but may need to make some changes
  • break down guest room to make nursery
  • assemble crib & buy crib mattress- already bought our nursery furniture
  • paint nursery- must figure out colors first
  • figure out nursery decor
  • buy bedding and glider for nursery (on registry- so hopefully we will receive as gifts)
  • Have our baby showers: NY- May 11th; SC- June 1st
  • Put together all items once we get them: stroller; pack-n-play; swing
  • Install car seat and have it inspected  (must do or else Baby Woos stays at hospital) 
  • Organize Changing area- diapers, wipes, etc
  • Organize closet- figure out an easy system
  • Make sure nursery monitor is set up and works properly
  • wash all bedding and clothes:  Do I really need to do this?
  • buy nightgown for hospital and nursing tang tops
  • pack a hospital bag- pick out something cute for Baby Woos to wear home
  • announce Baby Woos' name

Okay- I know that it is way too early to pack a hospital bag and put together items we don't even have but I if I don't put it on my list I might forget.  After we put the nursery together in mid April then I think everything else will just start falling into place.  The items on the list not labeled fun are things we can and should start thinking about doing now.

Am I forgetting anything (that's baby related)?

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