
Monday, February 11, 2013

Ten Reasons to Exercise While Pregnant

I know that I have said this more then once but I really don't know where I would be without exercise and especially boot-camp.  Today I am going to focus on the Top 10 reasons to exercise while pregnant.  (My comments about my own experience is in blue.)

1. Boosts Energy

Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, so you don't tire as easily. With muscles that are strong and toned, you need less effort to engage in any activity, whether that means grocery shopping or sitting through meetings at the office.  Thirty minutes of exercise daily is suggested while pregnant. 

For me, every morning after boot-camp I feel more energized and no longer sluggish.  I also feel more accomplished every time I exercise.

2. Sleep Better

While many pregnant women report that they have a harder time falling asleep (not to mention staying asleep with all the bathroom interruptions), those who exercise consistently say the quality of their sleep is better and that they wake up feeling more rested.

Although sleeping is difficult for me I couldn't imagine if I didn't exercise.  Plus, after a prenatal yoga class I could go to sleep in minutes.

3. Reduce Pregnancy Discomfort

Overall, regular exercise stretches and strengthens your muscles, which helps your body cope better with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Stretches ease back pain, walking improves your circulation, and swimming can strengthen your abdominal muscles.  Back pain affects half of all pregnant women — and your best defense is a strong set of abs.

I am expeiencing a little back pain and I am actually more sore in my tailbone.  This happens when I sit for too long so I couldn't imagine my body if I didn't do anything but sit around or lay around all day.

4. Prepare for Childbirth

It makes perfect sense: The better shape you're in, the stronger you'll be come labor and delivery time. Giving birth is akin to running a marathon, which requires stamina, determination, and focus.

Prenatal yoga class we concentrate on our breathing and this is suppose to help us for childbirth-- We will just have to wait and see.  If giving birth is really like a marathon then I think my bootcamp classes have prepare me for this. :)

Mud Run Fun (Before the Race)-- test of my indurance!

5. Reduce Stress

Having a child is a life-changing, momentous experience that can leave you feeling simultaneously ecstatic, overwhelmed, and anxious. One study found that exercise boosts levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood, putting you in better spirits.

Exercise has always reduced stress for me-- pregnant or not!  And so does the beach....

6. Improve Self-Image

Watching the scale inch its way up to numbers you've never seen before can be disheartening. Staying active helps you feel better about yourself and improves your odds of gaining a healthy amount of weight.

I am depending on my boot-camp class to keep the rest of my body in check while I am pregnant.  I know I have no control of my belly but I going to keep my arms and legs in shape the best I can. 

7. Get Body Back Faster After Childbirth

This alone is motivation enough for many women to embark on a pregnancy exercise regimen. When you've maintained your strength and muscle tone all through your pregnancy, your body will have an easier time bouncing back after you give birth. You’ll also gain less surplus weight if you exercise during your pregnancy.

I hope this is true.  One of my girlfriends was at her pre-pregnancy weight 18 days after birth.  I would love for that to be me.

8. Conquer Pregnancy Constitpation  (maybe too much information- but so true)

An active body encourages active bowels. Some women swear by a brisk 30-minute walk to keep them regular, others say even a ten-minute stroll helps get things going.

Yes too much information but this is true. 

9.  Have an Easier Labor (possibly)

While exercise during pregnancy can't guarantee that you'll sail through childbirth, moms who exercise tend to have shorter labors and are less likely to need medical interventions during labor (including C-sections).

I have heard that exercise really does help an easier labor when you have stronger ab muscles.  So lets hope that my labor will be painless and quick.  But lets also hope that we make it to the hospital on time and I don't have to deliver in a car.  (a dream I recently had)

10.  Make a Healthy Baby

Babies of moms who exercise during pregnancy are born at healthier weights, are better able to weather labor and delivery (they are less stressed by it), and recover from the stresses of birth more quickly.

When I became pregnant I think I was in the best shape of my life-- at least post highschool.  I believe that being healthy was a key reason why we were able to get pregant.  Most importantly the most important thing to wish for is a healthy baby. 

Photo: Baby woos  This is my husband's prediction of what our child will look like in a few years. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this and the photos! You are going to bounce back in no time at all! And with the hospital around the corner, I don't think the car will be an issue.
