
Friday, March 8, 2013

Interval Running

My Fastest 5K

While we were on our cruise I had every intention of working out every other day but I only made it to the gym the first morning.  I'm always at a lost now when I enter a gym so I hopped on the elliptical machine, turned on my music, and started running.  I was really bored after 5 minutes so then I decided to start sprinting for one minute and then run for one minute.  Intervals made the time go by fast and before I knew it I was done.  Not only did the intervals make the time go by faster but I ran my fastest 5K by almost 5 minutes.  (For those who do not know a 5K is 3.1 miles.)

Now I don't know if the elliptical was just super easy (or broken) but the last race I did in December my official time was 28:09... so 23:34 is a huge improvement.  I also ran a 5k on an elliptical when I was on a work trip in January and my time was around 28:30.  Running on a machine is much easier then running outside but I am really curious what I can actually run a 5K outside if I could push myself enough to do intervals.  When running outside I normally just try to keep the same pace... but I think that maybe I should try and mix it up a little.  Of course Baby Woos is an extra added weight so I think I will be testing my ideas after Baby Woos is born.  I am getting the itch to run in another 5K before July but we will just have to wait and see. 

Why run intervals?
  • Burns more calories then running at the same pace
  • Makes the time go by faster
  • Boosts your metabolism and helps burn more calories during the next 24 hours
Here is why Intervals work according to Women's Health Magazine:
When you chug along at a comfortable pace (as most people do), your body gets energy easily from the oxygen you inhale. But once you switch into high gear, your muscles start working harder to process that O2, so they expend extra energy recruiting other chemicals in the body (adenosine-triphosphate and phosphocreatine, in case you're interested) to get the job done.

Interval workouts are not solely used in running.  My bootcamp instructor who has taught me about the importance of intervals can explain it a lot better then I can.  Check out her blog at  on different interval workouts. 

Super Crazy Blurry-- but Donnie also joined me at the gym.

Don't worry if I do decide to run in a race inthe next month or so I will not test my ideas or try to get a PR... and if I have to walk I will.  Most important thing to me is to make sure Baby Woos is healthy and not getting worn out when I exercise.

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