
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

21 Weeks Pregnant

21 Weeks

At our last appointment they moved Baby's Woos due date up 3 days to July 7th so I am actually 21 weeks and 3 days pregnant but I will continue to do my weekly updates on Wednesday's.  They base the due date off the measurements of the baby- but how often are doctors correct on the exact due date? 

What's going on with me?
no stretch marks (crossing fingers)

Stretch Marks: You may start to notice some stretch marks as your body expands and your belly and breasts just keep on growing. These pink, red, or purple streaks appear when the supporting tissue under your skin gets torn as skin stretches (and stretches and stretches) during pregnancy. Not every woman gets them, though you're a likely candidate if your mom had stretch marks during her pregnancy or if you've gained weight rapidly. So go ahead and slather the cocoa butter — at least it’ll keep your skin from drying out, even if it won’t keep those marks at bay. So far I don't see any stretch marks and I am crossing my fingers I don't get any.  I do try to apply my cocoa butter in the morning but some days I simply forget.  Most of my growth is in my belly and in my breasts... I know my belly is going to get bigger but I hope my breasts won't get any bigger because I really don't want to go bra shopping AGAIN. 

Fetal movement: By now you may be able to feel your baby twisting, turning, and kicking in the womb (though many new expectant moms mistake the feeling for gas). Enjoy these first gentle love taps — soon enough your growing baby’s kicks will get more aggressive. I'm feeling Baby Woos more and more every day.  After I exercise and I eat, he loves sitting up near the front of my belly the most and it makes me feel like my stomach can't expand anymore and I am going to pop like a balloon.

What Going on with Baby Woos?

Baby Woos is the now the size of a banana!
At 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces.

Baby Woos swallows a bit of amniotic fluid each day (for nutrition, hydration, and to practice digesting), so he eats whatever's on your menu — and gets to put those developing taste buds to good use.  Your baby may develop a taste for the foods you are eating now when he’s older.  I have been enjoying red meat and shrimp again.  In my first tri-mester I really didn't want to touch read meat but recently I have been cooking steak for my salads at lunch and the meat is soo tasty!  I am also still craving hot and spicy food all of the time (adding jalapenos and chili flakes to anything I eat).  At least Baby Woos should have taste buds like me and not from his picky father if it is true that his taste buds are developing now from the foods I currently eat.

Here are two more pictures.  Its funny how the angle of the camera can make my bump look either large or really large.  Happy Wednesday!

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