I was reading online different opinions on continuing boot camp while pregnant. I found a strange set of posts from trainers where different trainers were saying that they would never accept a pregnant client and how they can't believe a pregnant lady would want to do boot camp. Some posts also said to never allow your heartrate to go over 140. Do you know how impossible that is?? My doctor has told me that it is fine to continue with bootcamp since my body is already used to that level of exercise as long as I can continue to talk while exercising. There are some days that I know I can't push myself as hard and I am fine with it. There are also plenty of other women that have continued with bootcamps, running races, and even skiing. I just think that the trainer post was so judgemental against pregnant women and it urked me. I think some people are "afraid" of pregnant people and don't really know how to react.
What I enjoy the most in my bootcamp class is that my instructor allows me to try all the exercises as is and then when I say I need a modification or she see me struggeling she gives me a modification. If I was told no I can't do something first then that would drive me crazy. I don't think anyone likes being told no- especially when others in the same room are doing it.
[I did come across one comment from a lady who continued bootcamp while pregnant up until the week prior to delivery where she said the first exercise to go was burpees in her first tri-mester.]
Another example of treating pregnant women differently: Since we are going on a cruise this week I had to send in proof from my doctor to the special needs and disabilities department of Carnvial Cruise Line that I am under 25 weeks pregnant. What urked me is that I do not think that you should classify pregnant women as being disabled. Sure we may move a little slower but really the disability department, especially since no one over 25 weeks pregnant is allowed on the ship.
Okay I am done with my ranting. I guess that I am just a little stubborn and feel like just because I am pregnant it doesn't mean I have to be treated differently. I know people say live it up while your pregnant and use the "I'm pregnant" excuse to get away with things but that really isn't me. (except to my husband when I don't feel like doing the dishes or getting up to let the cat out) Now I may feel completley different in a couple of weeks when I am another 10 pounds heavier in the belly but for now this is how I feel.
Continue to Exercise!
Exercise is super important to do while you are pregnant to get your blood flowing and your body moving. When I met the educational specialist on pregnancy at my doctors office last week (as part of a routine followup) she emphasized that women need to continue to at least walk while pregnant. I told her I was fairly active and she told me to continue the things that I am doing but to listen to my body.
I did invest in a bathing suit this weekend- modeled after this picture I saw on pintrest months ago: I love the poca-dots. Mine is black with white poca-dots with no straps. It is a tankini because I can not stand one-piece bathing suits and unless I am in my backyard laying out I don't think the rest of the world really wants to see my big belly. (Although people are starting to want to touch it.)
Bahama Cruise Time
We leave for our cruise on Thursday and I am super excited to get out of Charleston with my husband for a while. My husband booked this cruise a week prior to us finding out that I was pregnant as my Christmas present... I guess it will now be our babymoon. Although I wont be able to drink the rum punch I will enjoy my share of virgin fruity drinks while relaxing on the beach and onboard the ship. We have never been on a cruise before so I am excited to see what they are all about. Cross your fingers that we don't get sea sick.
Any tips for our cruise?
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