
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

19 Weeks Pregnant-


Our Mango


Whats going on with Baby Woos? 

Baby Woos is now the size of a mango.  At about 6.0 inches long and weighing in at about 8.5 ounces, she or he is getting there! Our baby's sensory development is exploding right now.  Baby's brain is organizing separate areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. 

Babies arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of the body now. Kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on the scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on the skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

What I get to look forward to: 
  • Aches and pains in your abdomen, caused by your muscles stretching to accommodate the baby.  This is definitely happening now since my stomach is enlarging by the day.  I have just started to rub body butter of my belly so it will prevent any stretch marks-- cross your fingers.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness-- this is something I have been experiencing from the beginning but actually since I have learned what to do to prevent the dizzy spells they come less and less frequently.
  • Leg Cramps--luckily I have not experienced any cramping in my legs.
  • Hip Pain-- I don't have hip pain...just tailbone pain which is incredibly hard to stretch. 

Baby Woos is Ready for Court

 This morning at boot-camp I have decided to try and keep track on when my body will no longer allow me to do the candlestick exercise.  Today I felt great doing them but I could definitely tell that they are getting harder and harder to do.  For those that don't know what a candle stick is: you roll on your back with your feet over your head and roll up onto your feet without using your hands.  Prior to being pregnant I used to be able to do a candlestick getting up on one leg and now I can't do that without using the help of my hands... I am really curious when I won't be able to do a full candlestick.

Here are two other pictures from yesterday where my bump really shows up:  I wish I knew how to adjust the lighting in my pictures.. I guess another project for me to figure out.


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