
Friday, February 22, 2013

It's a BOY

What an exciting day!!!  Today at our doctor's appointment we found out that Baby Woos is a BOY!  The ultrasound was about an hour long to check to make sure everything was healthy and everything looked great.  I am sooo happy and relieved to know we have a healthy baby boy growing inside me. 

He was so fun to watch.  He was stretching out his legs and arms and we could see him rub his face.  Look how cute this picture is of him stretching out his arms; and it almost looks like he wants to play with his feet.  Doctor said he was an active one!

One of the funniest thing that we were able to watch is when the nurse was trying to find out if he were having a boy or girl he kept trying to cover himself up or protect himself when she was poking near him... too funny!  But we were able to get a good photo of him and Baby Woos is a boy.

He was already being pretty stubborn and wouldn't roll onto his back when they needed him to.  Hmmm... Donnie and I are both pretty stubborn people and if the baby is already starting we are in for a long ride :)

We are over 20 weeks down!  Now the fun stuff begins like picking out a name, decorating and picking out colors for the nursery, and buying baby clothes.  Let the shopping and re-decorating begin.  I am also so excited that my mom and sister are going to be visiting in April and they will be able to help with the design of the nursery!

No need to worry- We already have a Kentucky Shirt for our Baby Woos:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  We are both very HAPPY parents!!


  1. cassie you look beautiful!!! congratulations!!! i can't wait to meet him!! love and miss you both!!

    <3 <3 <3


  2. Thanks Laura. We are so thrilled. We will be up to NY in May and hope to see you! Xxoo
