
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

20 Weeks-Halfway There!

I can't believe that it has already been 20 weeks! 


What is going on with Baby Woos?  Baby Woos is the size of a cantaloupe now  (some cites say a banana in length) and weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches.  She or he still has a lot of growing to do though.  Baby Woos also has working taste buds now and is gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day. Since the baby is swallowing more these days it is good practice for the digestive system.  He or she is also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion.  This gooey substance will accumulate in your babies bowels, and you'll see it in that first solid gross.  --So gross but very strange to think that something the baby is producing now will be in the first diaper.

What is going on with me?  The top of your uterus is about level with your belly button.  Your gums may become more sensitive since high progesterone levels make the gums react more to the bacteria in plaque. This along with a greater blood flow can result in tender, swollen gums.  Luckily, I have not felt any change in my gums or my mouth.  I have noticed that I have a greater blood flow because I can feel my heartbeat in the strangest places.

Bootcamp Fun:
This morning I started my day with my bootcamp class.  I can tell that I am getting noticeably slower at all of my reps.  It is a very frustrating feeling but at least I am still participating in class and for the most part doing all the same exercises.  What is also frustrating is that this past week my shins have started to hurt again-- I'm not sure if it is my shoes, or the extra weight, or just because I am pregnant.  On my shins I get these bumps that look like small balls-- I think it is just extra fluid build-up but I don't really know. I hope with a new pair of shoes my shin problems will go away (when I bought new shoes before it fixed the problem).  It's just one of those days!  But at the end of class I felt great, had a great workout, and was so glad that I didn't sleep through my alarm again.

When I got home from class today I think Baby Woos was doing somersaults inside me because it felt like my skin was trying to stretch out on my belly.  It really felt like I was about to pop and my belly is so hard now!  I can't suck it in even if I try (and believe me I have tried to suck it in.)

One more thing that I noticed yesterday was that empire waist shirts- however cute they may look on the hanger- make me look double my size.  Everyone said to me yesterday:  "Wow- you are pregnant."  No I was just kidding before.  And I swear men just don't know where to look... They would look down at my belly, not say anything, look back at my face, and then my belly again.  At least they're not looking at my chest-- or maybe there are and I think they are just starring at my belly.  I guess it is only the beginning for awkward looks. 

Well I am going to finish the day preparing for trial and I then I plan on attempting to make pad Thai for dinner tonight... recipe to follow if it turns out any good.  Two more days until we know if Baby Woos is a boy or girl... so excited!

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