
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Memorable Trips with the Hubby

This is actually where we got married at Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina but it reminds me of the islands.

Time to head to the Bahamas.  I am getting ready to drop off the dogs at the kennel and we have a house sitter lined up for Trouble so we are all set.  I am so ready to get out of this gloomy and rainy weather and head to the Bahamas.  I'm also really looking forward to spending quality time with my hubby.  I'm not sure if there is Internet on the ship or not so you most likely won't be hearing from me unless we are surprised by Internet.  (I'm half hoping that their is no Internet or phone service for the time we are gone.)

I'll update you on our Babymoon when we return.  Although this is our last vacation pre-Baby Woos, Donnie and I have had our share of mini-vacations since we have been engaged and married.  We have had trips to Cooperstown, New York and North Carolina to see our families; plus a few trips to Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Ga and Savannah, Ga but the trips below really are the ones that are most memorable to me.

LAS VEGAS:  (October 2010) I thought Donnie was going to propose to me on this trip but he waited until the week we returned. 

Here we are at the Hotel Bar at MGM Grande where we ordered a bottle of Veuve Champagne... I definitely thought Donnie was going to pop the question this night but instead we just sipped on expensive champagne just because.  I even kept grabbing at his pockets checking for a ring :)

HONEYMOON IN ITALY:  Rome, Florence, Venice (October 2011)
I have always wanted to go to Italy and spending my honeymoon there was a dream come true.  I was also surprised that Donnie agreed to get on a plane for that long.  Florence was my favorite city out of the three we visited.

Trevi Fountain in Rome

Wine Bar in Florence with Fun Italian Man

Husband and Wife in the Back of a Water Taxi in Venice

Donnie surprised me for my birthday this past year and took us to Beaufort.  We stayed at the Mills House Bed and Breakfast and had a wonderful time.  We had our separate cottage off the main house and it really was amazing.

ORLANDO, FLORIDA (October 2012)
Donnie and I are trying to keep to the tradition of giving "paper" for your first year; cotton for your second; etc.  For our paper gifts I gave Donnie tickets to the Duke and Kentucky game in Atlanta, Ga.  For his gift to me he booked us a trip to Orlando, Florida and bought us Seaworld tickets.  This trip was perfect to celebrate our 1 year if the dates are correct Baby Woos was conceived on this trip :)

Us getting ready to watch the dolphin show.  We sat in the splash zone but luckily didn't get wet since this was the first show of the day.  At the Shamu show we sat OUT of the splash zone and enjoyed a beer while watching the show.  As a kid I don't think I ever noticed, but you can drink beer throughout the entire park at SeaWorld.  Nice and refreshing!

We also enjoyed going to Epcot at Disney World. 
It was perfect timing because there was a food and wine festival around the world going on so we were able to taste food from every county and drink wine from their local regions.  What's crazy is in each country at Epcot they only have employees from that country working there.

Once Baby Woos is born I know the traveling is going to be on hold for a little while but I do want to continue to travel as a family.  I remember as a kid that my sister and I looked forward to our family vacations every year and had such a great time.  There is so much to see in the world (& the United States) and I love to travel and experience new cultures and see new cities!!

Now I need to finish my packing so we can go to the Bahamas. 

What were your favorite vacations as a family?  I'm already trying to put together a top ten list of where we should travel to with Baby Woos. 
(If you'd like to comment press the no comment button below and then it allows you to comment.)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

21 Weeks Pregnant

21 Weeks

At our last appointment they moved Baby's Woos due date up 3 days to July 7th so I am actually 21 weeks and 3 days pregnant but I will continue to do my weekly updates on Wednesday's.  They base the due date off the measurements of the baby- but how often are doctors correct on the exact due date? 

What's going on with me?
no stretch marks (crossing fingers)

Stretch Marks: You may start to notice some stretch marks as your body expands and your belly and breasts just keep on growing. These pink, red, or purple streaks appear when the supporting tissue under your skin gets torn as skin stretches (and stretches and stretches) during pregnancy. Not every woman gets them, though you're a likely candidate if your mom had stretch marks during her pregnancy or if you've gained weight rapidly. So go ahead and slather the cocoa butter — at least it’ll keep your skin from drying out, even if it won’t keep those marks at bay. So far I don't see any stretch marks and I am crossing my fingers I don't get any.  I do try to apply my cocoa butter in the morning but some days I simply forget.  Most of my growth is in my belly and in my breasts... I know my belly is going to get bigger but I hope my breasts won't get any bigger because I really don't want to go bra shopping AGAIN. 

Fetal movement: By now you may be able to feel your baby twisting, turning, and kicking in the womb (though many new expectant moms mistake the feeling for gas). Enjoy these first gentle love taps — soon enough your growing baby’s kicks will get more aggressive. I'm feeling Baby Woos more and more every day.  After I exercise and I eat, he loves sitting up near the front of my belly the most and it makes me feel like my stomach can't expand anymore and I am going to pop like a balloon.

What Going on with Baby Woos?

Baby Woos is the now the size of a banana!
At 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces.

Baby Woos swallows a bit of amniotic fluid each day (for nutrition, hydration, and to practice digesting), so he eats whatever's on your menu — and gets to put those developing taste buds to good use.  Your baby may develop a taste for the foods you are eating now when he’s older.  I have been enjoying red meat and shrimp again.  In my first tri-mester I really didn't want to touch read meat but recently I have been cooking steak for my salads at lunch and the meat is soo tasty!  I am also still craving hot and spicy food all of the time (adding jalapenos and chili flakes to anything I eat).  At least Baby Woos should have taste buds like me and not from his picky father if it is true that his taste buds are developing now from the foods I currently eat.

Here are two more pictures.  Its funny how the angle of the camera can make my bump look either large or really large.  Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Italian Dinner Night Out

Happy Birthday Kristi!

this picture was taken in May 2012 (prior to us starting bootcamp)
Kristi was the reason why I started bootcamp last May.  She wanted to get in shape for her wedding (in November) and asked me to join the bootcamp class with her.  I am so thankful that she asked me to do this class with her because bootcamp really has been my savior.  Looking at this picture I can also see another reason why to continue bootcamp because my arms look so much nicer after months of classes. 

To celebrate Kristi's birthday, last night we went out to dinner at the Wild Olive on John's Island.  This was the first time that I have ever been to this Northern Italian Restaurant and I was very excited.  Donnie also loves Italian food so that was a plus.  (If I haven't mentioned this my husband is a bit of a picky eater.)

I wish I had taken more pictures of the food and the ambiance because I loved how it was decorated inside with the grapes and wine bottles, and corks, etc.  Here is one light that was on the bar made out of a wine bottle.  I love the idea of using wine bottles and corks as decorations.  There are so many neat ideas on pintrest and one of these days I am going to have to have an arts and crafts day and see what I can do.

For starters I had the little neck clams which were amazing.  They came in a spicy lemon-caper zupetta sauce which I need to figure out how to copy.  Delicious!  They had so many options to choose from that looked great but this was perfect for my appetizer.
little neck clams

For my entree I had the squid linguine with local shrimp, tomato, garlic, fresh spicy red chile, basil.  The squid linguine tasted like normal homemade pasta but was purple in color which was a little disappointing because I thought it would have some added flavor. I also did add a little extra chile for spice.  This dish was great and I would order it again but I would probably try something else on the menu since their menu all looked delicious.  What I really liked about the menu is that you were able to order your pasta dishes in half sizes, which was perfect for me since I did not share my clams. 

linguine with shrimp

Although they had tiramisu on the menu; which is my absolute favorite dessert; I skipped it because no one else wanted dessert and I really was full.  If I had dessert I would have been uncomfortably full which is not fun when my belly is already taken over by Baby Woos and there isn't much room for anything else.

When Donnie and I went on our honeymoon in Italy I made it a point to order tiramisu at every restaurant we went to.  Every place makes it a little different so I had to continue to order it and see the differences.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Random Thoughts

Treating Pregnant Women Differently Drives Me Crazy!

I was reading online different opinions on continuing boot camp while pregnant.  I found a strange set of posts from trainers where different trainers were saying that they would never accept a pregnant client and how they can't believe a pregnant lady would want to do boot camp.   Some posts also said to never allow your heartrate to go over 140.  Do you know how impossible that is??  My doctor has told me that it is fine to continue with bootcamp since my body is already used to that level of exercise as long as I can continue to talk while exercising.  There are some days that I know I can't push myself as hard and I am fine with it.  There are also plenty of other women that have continued with bootcamps, running races, and even skiing.  I just think that the trainer post was so judgemental against pregnant women and it urked me.  I think some people are "afraid" of pregnant people and don't really know how to react.

What I enjoy the most in my bootcamp class is that my instructor allows me to try all the exercises as is and then when I say I need a modification or she see me struggeling she gives me a modification.  If I was told no I can't do something first then that would drive me crazy.  I don't think anyone likes being told no- especially when others in the same room are doing it.

[I did come across one comment from a lady who continued bootcamp while pregnant up until the week prior to delivery where she said the first exercise to go was burpees in her first tri-mester.]

Another example of treating pregnant women differently:  Since we are going on a cruise this week I had to send in proof from my doctor to the special needs and disabilities department of Carnvial Cruise Line that I am under 25 weeks pregnant. What urked me is that I do not think that you should classify pregnant women as being disabled.  Sure we may move a little slower but really the disability department, especially since no one over 25 weeks pregnant is allowed on the ship.

Okay I am done with my ranting.  I guess that I am just a little stubborn and feel like just because I am pregnant it doesn't mean I have to be treated differently.  I know people say live it up while your pregnant and use the "I'm pregnant" excuse to get away with things but that really isn't me. (except to my husband when I don't feel like doing the dishes or getting up to let the cat out)  Now I may feel completley different in a couple of weeks when I am another 10 pounds heavier in the belly but for now this is how I feel.

Continue to Exercise!
Exercise is super important to do while you are pregnant to get your blood flowing and your body moving.  When I met the educational specialist on pregnancy at my doctors office last week (as part of a routine followup) she emphasized that women need to continue to at least walk while pregnant.  I told her I was fairly active and she told me to continue the things that I am doing but to listen to my body.

Pinned ImageWhile meeting with the specialist, I asked her if I could go snorkeling or scuba-diving and she said scuba-diving is out of the question but snorkeling would be fine because I am not really going under water far.  She did warn me that when you swim while pregnant your baby tends to rise and feels so light so I am really excited to hop in the pool and see what Baby Woos does.

I did invest in a bathing suit this weekend- modeled after this picture I saw on pintrest months ago:  I love the poca-dots.  Mine is black with white poca-dots with no straps.  It is a tankini because I can not stand one-piece bathing suits and unless I am in my backyard laying out I don't think the rest of the world really wants to see my big belly.  (Although people are starting to want to touch it.)

Bahama Cruise Time

We leave for our cruise on Thursday and I am super excited to get out of Charleston with my husband for a while.  My husband booked this cruise a week prior to us finding out that I was pregnant as my Christmas present... I guess it will now be our babymoon.  Although I wont be able to drink the rum punch I will enjoy my share of virgin fruity drinks while relaxing on the beach and onboard the ship.  We have never been on a cruise before so I am excited to see what they are all about.  Cross your fingers that we don't get sea sick. 

Any tips for our cruise?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baby Woos' Nursery

Wow.  What an ugly, rainy morning outside.  I wish my friend Kindal the best of luck running the Messa 8K today out on Folly Beach.  I hate to admit it but if I woke up and it was pouring cats and dogs I don't think I'd run the race; unless I committed to meeting someone else there to run with and they decided they wanted to run.  I guess that is why teamwork is so important when working out and staying in shape.

So what to do on a rainy day?  Play with nursery ideas, of course.

Savanna Tori 3-pc. Baby Furniture Set - Espresso
There are so many things to try and figure out.  We already have the nursery furniture and it is an espresso color and we had new carpet installed a few months ago which is light grey in color.

  • What color should we paint the room?
  • What do we want to hang on the walls?
  • What pattern should the crib bedding be or should it be solid?

There are two bedding sets that I really like.  This picture below is one of the bedding sets that I love.  It is not over the top and has a lot of colors in it to work with. 

Pinned Image

This is the jungle bedding that I love as well; but with the design of our crib you wont see the bed skirt that much so it may take too much away from this pattern.

I know that I will need to buy extra sheets and have blankets but do I also need to buy an extra bumper?  The more that I look at both of these bedding sets I think I like the top one better and it has so many colors to work with.  I was also looking at a Pooh set but decided against it.  I do however want to take some pooh quotes and put them in a frame on the wall in the nursery.  See here:

Here are some other ideas that I was looking at doing with the nursery but I am really undecided.

Pinned Image
I think it might look pretty cool to have some of these paper lanterns hang from the ceiling to have Baby Woos look at.  Maybe over changing table area or in the corner.  I had these lanterns at my wedding and the extra pop of color made everything look so elegant.

I like the idea of having nine separate photos hanging behind the crib in the shape of a square.  But instead of all photos I think I would want to have my pooh quotes here and some squares just a color pattern, maybe one with photos, etc... I don't really know.  My girlfriend at work has nine equal squares hanging in her office with just different patterns and it looks really nice.  Or does the three pictures over the crib look better?  With all of the photo programs online you can easily put the photo or quote on a canvas at a good price.

nursery with pictures Jungle boys nursery

Or then there is the idea of putting up Baby Woos' name on the wall behind the crib.  I don't know about this idea though...especially if we do the alphabet theme because it may be too much.  Just an example:

Boy nursery

So many decisions.  But this part is REALLY fun!  The last item we need to buy for the nursery (or get from our registries) is a chair with ottoman so I have a comfy place to feed Baby Woos. 

Given with what I like above the next question is what color should we paint the nursery?  My mom suggested black, white, and lime green and I really like that idea.  I also like the grey and blue in the top photo and even a black, white, and yellow nursery.  I really am all over the place with thinking of paint colors.  If the rain ever stops I think I will go to Lowes and pick up paint samples to hand on wall to help decide.

The small touches of the nursery will also be fun.. like color of changing pad, any baskets, should we put up shelves, should some of my Disney Collectibles be displayed, etc...  But the small touches will be added once we at least choose a color scheme and get the furniture into the room.

Any suggestions?  I would love to hear any comments.

Happy Saturday!  Now I am going to make some breakfast and try to stay dry today.  Let's Go Syracuse and Kentucky!!  Both big games today.

(all photos taken from my board on

Friday, February 22, 2013

It's a BOY

What an exciting day!!!  Today at our doctor's appointment we found out that Baby Woos is a BOY!  The ultrasound was about an hour long to check to make sure everything was healthy and everything looked great.  I am sooo happy and relieved to know we have a healthy baby boy growing inside me. 

He was so fun to watch.  He was stretching out his legs and arms and we could see him rub his face.  Look how cute this picture is of him stretching out his arms; and it almost looks like he wants to play with his feet.  Doctor said he was an active one!

One of the funniest thing that we were able to watch is when the nurse was trying to find out if he were having a boy or girl he kept trying to cover himself up or protect himself when she was poking near him... too funny!  But we were able to get a good photo of him and Baby Woos is a boy.

He was already being pretty stubborn and wouldn't roll onto his back when they needed him to.  Hmmm... Donnie and I are both pretty stubborn people and if the baby is already starting we are in for a long ride :)

We are over 20 weeks down!  Now the fun stuff begins like picking out a name, decorating and picking out colors for the nursery, and buying baby clothes.  Let the shopping and re-decorating begin.  I am also so excited that my mom and sister are going to be visiting in April and they will be able to help with the design of the nursery!

No need to worry- We already have a Kentucky Shirt for our Baby Woos:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  We are both very HAPPY parents!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pad Thai Recipe

Another fun filled day of work.  I had an eventful morning meeting with my trial client and now I get to go to court this afternoon and meet with 51 more clients all at the same time for court... and I am not exaggerating on the number of clients!  Life as a public defender. 

Some exciting news:  our nursery furniture came in yesterday and now it is sitting in the garage in three boxes (with a completly assembled dresser and changing table).  I can't wait to actually start putting the nursery together but we need to paint, move furniture, etc before bringing in the crib.  Hopefully this weekend we can at least start some of these projects...and have a better idea what color to paint the nursery after we find out if boy or girl tomorrow.

As promised here is my pad thai recipe from last night: delicious!

Pad Thai with Eggplant & Mushrooms

I love Pad Thai in restaurants but my number one complaint is that there are never enough vegetables in the dish.  So since I am making this dish at Cassandra'a Kitchen I can break the rules and add whatever I want to my dishes.  So here it goes:


eggplant                                       chicken or shrimp or crab meat (optional)
baby bella mushrooms                    one egg
fresh bean sprouts                         natural peanut butter
red onion                                      lime (optional)
garlic cloves                                  crushed peanuts (optional)
jalapeno                                       olive oil
rice noodles

1.  Dice up the eggplant, mushrooms, jalapeno, onion, and garlic and add to a pan with olive oil to stir fry.  When cutting the jalapeno keep some of the seeds but discard the rest.  The heat is in the seeds so if you add too many than the dish is going to be way to spicy!  (I LOVE spicy food but I discard a majority of the seeds.)  Also add some chopped up cilantro to add flavor while cooking.   The exact amount of vegetables is not important.  I used about a handful of mushrooms, 2 slices on onion, 1/2 eggplant. 2 cloves garlic, 1 jalapeno.

note: I have not added the bean sprouts yet

2. In a pot boil water.  Once water is boiling add rice noodles and remove from heat.  Let sit for 5 minutes and then drain and rinse with cold water.  Set aside.

3. While vegetables are cooking make your sauce:

Mix all ingredients together and set aside:
2/3 cup vegetable broth
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
3 tbsp lite soy sauce
3 tbsp light brown sugar
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp cayenne pepper  (more or less depending on taste)

note:  if you have a lime then add some fresh squeezed lime juice as well

4. Once vegetables are done cooking (eggplant no longer firm) then add your beansprouts.  Push aside and add your egg.  Scramble the egg and then mix in with the rest of the mixture.

note:  if you are adding chicken or shrimp make sure to stir fry it in another pan to add to the mixture.  I added the rest of some imitation crab meat that I had in the fridge and it does not require extra cooking.

5. Add your noodles to the mixture.  (Also add your chicken or shrimp or crab at this point.)  Then pour the sauce over the entire mixture and cook on medium-high for a couple minutes.

6.  To thicken the sauce and add flavor I like to add a spoonful of peanut butter.  Put onto the side of the pan to help melt faster and then stir into the entire pan.  (When I use peanut butter I don't add chopped peanuts as a garnish.)  Also add remaining cilantro to the dish.

7.  Your dish is complete.  Just make sure everything is heated through and the sauce has thicken a little.  After all ingredients are added I cook for an additional 2-3 minutes and that's it. 

8.  Plate your dish.  At this point you can add crushed peanuts if you like.  I like to add just a touch more of cilantro for taste and as a garnish.  You could also garnish with a lime slice if you had it.

Viola!  This Pad Thai may not be your original Pad Thai but it is delicious and has the flavor of the Pad Thai with added vegetables. 

***Spice can be a little tricky with the cayenne pepper and the jalapeno seeds but tonight I got it perfect.  I didn't even have to use my saracha sauce.  I don't think I liked it... ha ha!

I hope you enjoy!

I think I finally got the comments to work, so feel free to leave a comment on your favorite Thai dish or what color we should paint the nursery (our furniture is espresso in color).

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

20 Weeks-Halfway There!

I can't believe that it has already been 20 weeks! 


What is going on with Baby Woos?  Baby Woos is the size of a cantaloupe now  (some cites say a banana in length) and weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches.  She or he still has a lot of growing to do though.  Baby Woos also has working taste buds now and is gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day. Since the baby is swallowing more these days it is good practice for the digestive system.  He or she is also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion.  This gooey substance will accumulate in your babies bowels, and you'll see it in that first solid gross.  --So gross but very strange to think that something the baby is producing now will be in the first diaper.

What is going on with me?  The top of your uterus is about level with your belly button.  Your gums may become more sensitive since high progesterone levels make the gums react more to the bacteria in plaque. This along with a greater blood flow can result in tender, swollen gums.  Luckily, I have not felt any change in my gums or my mouth.  I have noticed that I have a greater blood flow because I can feel my heartbeat in the strangest places.

Bootcamp Fun:
This morning I started my day with my bootcamp class.  I can tell that I am getting noticeably slower at all of my reps.  It is a very frustrating feeling but at least I am still participating in class and for the most part doing all the same exercises.  What is also frustrating is that this past week my shins have started to hurt again-- I'm not sure if it is my shoes, or the extra weight, or just because I am pregnant.  On my shins I get these bumps that look like small balls-- I think it is just extra fluid build-up but I don't really know. I hope with a new pair of shoes my shin problems will go away (when I bought new shoes before it fixed the problem).  It's just one of those days!  But at the end of class I felt great, had a great workout, and was so glad that I didn't sleep through my alarm again.

When I got home from class today I think Baby Woos was doing somersaults inside me because it felt like my skin was trying to stretch out on my belly.  It really felt like I was about to pop and my belly is so hard now!  I can't suck it in even if I try (and believe me I have tried to suck it in.)

One more thing that I noticed yesterday was that empire waist shirts- however cute they may look on the hanger- make me look double my size.  Everyone said to me yesterday:  "Wow- you are pregnant."  No I was just kidding before.  And I swear men just don't know where to look... They would look down at my belly, not say anything, look back at my face, and then my belly again.  At least they're not looking at my chest-- or maybe there are and I think they are just starring at my belly.  I guess it is only the beginning for awkward looks. 

Well I am going to finish the day preparing for trial and I then I plan on attempting to make pad Thai for dinner tonight... recipe to follow if it turns out any good.  Two more days until we know if Baby Woos is a boy or girl... so excited!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday Recap:

Yesterday was President's Day, which is a State Holiday, so I was able to enjoy my day off.  For starters, I slept straight through my alarm at 5:45 (for bootcamp) and remained sleeping peacefully until 8:30.  Donnie even took care of the animals in the morning so I could continue to sleep.  I guess Baby Woos wanted the extra sleep.  (Plus- I am not sleeping that well at night and I was up from 1:30-3:30 reading a new book.)

So what to do on my day off?

First, my loving husband bought me a prenatal massage at Urban Nirvana.  Ahhh- HEAVEN!  I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but it was like a normal massage except they remove part of the massage table so their is a hole for your belly to lay into.  (and when you flip over they give you pillows to lay on)  I wasn't sure if this was going to be comfortable but it was divine.  And I needed this hole for my belly because it is expanding every day!

hmm.. need to invest in new workout tops

During the massage I couldn't tell what part of my body needed it more- my back or my legs.  My legs were still sore from a killer workout on Friday at bootcamp, plus the yoga class I did after bootcamp.

[Sidenote: Prenatal yoga is something I am going to continue while I am pregnant to focus on my breathing and stretching.  However, I don't understand how some people just do yoga to stay in shape.  I feel great when I leave the class; stretched and relaxed; but I don't feel as if I just "worked-out."  To each his own, I guess.]

House Projects:

For the remainder of the day I guess I did some "nesting."  I'm not sure it is exactly nesting or more overdue cleaning out my drawers.  Junk just accumulates in drawers so easily!  I also decided to start tackling the garage so we can start getting the office ready for the man-room/garage.  This is what I have come up with so far. 

Donnie is not exactly thrilled he is losing his office to the guest room but I think once we get everything organized and invest in a heater/ac unit the garage will be perfect.  We still need to get rid of the old mattress and queen bed that are in the garage and I either (1) may have an overdue yard sale or (2) take a big shipment to Good-Will for the excess stuff that we just don't need anymore.  I am having fun with the garage and once we get the unwanted items out the garage I will have even more fun.  We may eventually invest in a small shed but that is for a later date.  PROJECTS, PROJECTS, and more PROJECTS. 

We haven't put the patio idea on hold but it was pretty cold this weekend so we didn't make it to Lowes.  We have also been looking online at the possibility of putting a deck in if we can't do pavers because of the roots of the large tree in our yard.  I guess we are going to have a plan A and a plan B until we get a professional to look at what we are working with in our yard.  Deadline for patio is end of April... and we hope to get it completed in March. 

What to look forward to:

This is going to be a crazy week ahead.  I need to educate myself on BUI (boating under the influence) because I have a trial coming up.  One would think the laws for DUI apply to BUI but they don't- go figure! I also have crazy court this week, demanding clients, two doctors appointments, and we get to find out the sex of Baby Woos on Friday.  So Flippin excited! 

(yes you are correct- that is beattlejuice on the tv)

Well I need to get ready for work now...but I will leave you with this adorable picture of Dallas and Trouble:

Best Friends