
Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend went by way too fast!  On Saturday, instead of heading out to the beach early I decided to go for a nice, long bikeride in my neighborhood.  The weather was absolutely beautiful so I wanted to take advantage of it.  I will admit that my butt was pretty sore after my bikeride but it felt so good to get some cardio exercise in.  Running has been out of the question for a while and even long walks are hard to do because of the way Baby Woos sits.  The most I like to walk is the dogs route of 1/2 mile because anymore and I start to get a little crampy.  However, with my bikeride my legs were able to get a workout, my belly felt great and I didn't get any cramps in my belly.  I finished off my bike ride with some light weights and a short walk with the dogs.  

I am really waiting for the pools to warm up so I can go swimming.  We have had such a cool Spring that the pools are still a little too cold to enjoy.  This weekend I am going to attempt to go swimming and will probably get in the water either way so I can lay on my tummy.  Not being able to lay on your stomach is one downside to pregnancy!  My girlfriend (who is 38 weeks pregnant) went to the beach recently and she dug a hole in the sand for her belly so she could lay on her stomach.  She said it was embarassing digging the hole but felt so nice once she was finally laying down. 

After my bikeride on Saturday we went to Folly Beach for our friends Baby Shower.  It was a very nice gathering and the weather was perfect with a breeze from the water. 


The remainder of the weekend was blah!  As soon as we got back from the shower I started to get a headache so I treid to relax on the couch.  Then later in the night I had bad abdominal cramps and my headache got worse.  On Sunday I spent the entire day napping because my headache would not go away... at least my stomach felt 100% again.  Around 6pm (almost 27 hours later) my headache finally went away.  I really hope that this weekend was a one time occurance because these headaches are impossible to deal with especially when I can't take my excedrin!  I do have prescription headache medicine that I am allowed to take but it really doesn't help too much... sleep and a cold icemask are my remedies.  At least it was cloudy and muggy yesterday so I didn't miss a beautiful day outside.

I feel great and energizzed this morning! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

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