
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

33 Weeks- less than 50 days left

What's going on with me?
Third trimester is not as easy as first and second trimester were.  My headaches are back, I keep getting bad leg cramps in the middle of the night that wake me up screaming, and I am tired.  Okay, I guess it could be worse and I could be ordered to bed-rest (hope that NEVER happens) but I really can not wait to get my body back.  The numbers on the scale are SCARY and I can not believe my belly is soooo BIG!  Although I am complaining a lot my pregnancy really has been pretty easy I am just not used to not having control of my body.  Soon enough I will be able to start exercising again (like normal) & sleep on my stomach.  I do think that many of the negative symptoms are due to the fact I can't exercise like I want to--- my body does really strange things when it doesn't get enough cardio, etc.  But as long as Baby Woos is growing and he is healthy I really am happy!

Pregnancy Symptoms:
  • Hot! Your metabolic rate is through the roof, and that may leave you feeling overheatedI am always warm now a days.  Although I have complained that we have had a cool spring now that the heat is here I am glad that our spring has been cool. 
  • Headaches, due to hormone fluctuations, stress or dehydrationYes to headaches.
  • Shortness of breath -- though you're probably used to it by now. Unfortuantly yes.  When I am cleaning the house or even walking to and from court I sometimes find myself out of breath where really I haven't done that much.
  • Forgetfulness and clumsiness, also known as baby brain. This is totally normal. 
  • Lower abdominal achiness: If your belly is aching when you change positions or get up suddenly, you could be suffering from round ligament pain (or growing pains). As long as it’s occasional and you don’t have fever, chills, or bleeding along with it, there’s nothing to worry about. Getting off your feet (and getting comfy) helps. Check.  I told my doctor I was having abdominal pain so she checked me out and told me my cervix was closed and its just growing pains.  Baby Woos is running out of room in there :)
  • Protruding navel: Your belly button may have popped by. Is there anything you can do about it? Not really — but it will pop back in a few months after you deliver. I've already shown you how much my belly button has changed.

What's going on with Baby Woos?

Baby Woos is growing everyday and has hit another growth spurt... or else I ate one too many cupcakes over the the past two weeks.  At my appointment on Monday all of our vitals were good and heartrate is perfect.  My doctor is very happy in the way he is growing.  I did ask her if she knew Baby Woos' position and she said it really was too early to tell but he might be a little sideways right now.  At our next appointment in two weeks, I believe she told me they would be able to find out his position then and if they are unsure then we will have an ultrasound to check that he is head-down.  Cross your fingers that he is head-down!!  After that appointment, we will be having weekly visits at the doctor's office... crazy how close he is to his eviction date :)

1 comment:

  1. Yoo mama, remembet what i said about tightening belt above cramp. It really works!!
