
Tuesday, May 28, 2013


This past weekend I was finally able to go swimming and it felt wonderful!!

When I go to the pool I am a fan of peace and quiet.  I enjoy this time to relax by myself and read a good book.  Now there are times when I love being with my friends too but nothing is better then floating on your stomach or back and doing pool exercises by yourself. 

Ahh-- just me and the pool on Memorial Day weekend.  Okay around 11:00 other people started to arrive and I must admit it wasn't as enjoyable.  Swimming in the pool felt great and my legs haven't been cramping up.  I will admit that I thought that I would float more but instead Baby Woos was like a weight in my stomach so the noodle (float) really made it more enjoyable to float and swim in the pool.  I am going to try and commit to go swimming at least three days a week to hopefully prevent any more leg cramps.

I think Baby Woos was a little bit confused about what was going on since the water was more on the chilly side and he probably floated more inside me.  I'm not sure how it works but after swimming each time Baby Woos was in a new position. 

In my freetime at the pool, I was researching how soon babies can go swimming and from what I found you can start swimming lessons at 6 months- which is basically learning how to play with your child in the water.  They also recommend that a newborn does not go in a pool his first two months because of risk of getting an infection from the bacteria in a pool. I have a feeling Baby Woos is going to love the water just like his momma.

What age do you think it is alright to start teaching your child to swim?  What age do you think it is alright to start bringing your child in the pool or ocean or lake?

1 comment:

  1. Depends on baby and yr life style. I think you were around 9 months cause annie wanted to swim. No forcing. Each baby is different.:)
