
Thursday, May 30, 2013


I am really glad that I started writing this pregnancy blog because it is really funny for me to look back and compare pictures, my idea of what is "big", and to know what my problems/concerns were at the time.  Below is a BIG comparison of me at 9 weeks and me at 34 Weeks.  It makes me laugh.  It also makes me wonder how long it is going to take me to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight/shape.

9 Weeks

34 Weeks Pregnant-- Can you tell the difference?  HAHA   

These last couple weeks of pregnancy are going to be difficult just for the fact it is summer time in the south and my belly is out of control.  It is also much harder for me to resist temptations of sweets or fattening foods because I am already so big what is a cookie going to do to me.  After Baby Woos is born I won't allow myself to indulge so I am taking advantage of it now.  I know I have said this before but I can't wait to start having my belly feel like my belly again without a baby growing inside me that can kick me anytime he wants.  As interesting as it is to watch my belly grow during this pregnancy, I think it is going to be twice as interesting watching my belly shrink as I get back into shape.  Plus with this blog it will give me extra motivation to stick to a sensable diet and exercise regularly.  I honestly can not wait to start up bootcamp again-- hopefully the doctor will give me the okay so I can start August 1st. 

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Can't wait to start training with you again! Miss you! But you look adorable preggers (even if you don't feel it, you look great!)! - Kindal

    1. August first!! And I've already made a back-up plan if 6:30 is too early the first month-- I will just do your 9:00 in Summerville.
