
Thursday, May 30, 2013


I am really glad that I started writing this pregnancy blog because it is really funny for me to look back and compare pictures, my idea of what is "big", and to know what my problems/concerns were at the time.  Below is a BIG comparison of me at 9 weeks and me at 34 Weeks.  It makes me laugh.  It also makes me wonder how long it is going to take me to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight/shape.

9 Weeks

34 Weeks Pregnant-- Can you tell the difference?  HAHA   

These last couple weeks of pregnancy are going to be difficult just for the fact it is summer time in the south and my belly is out of control.  It is also much harder for me to resist temptations of sweets or fattening foods because I am already so big what is a cookie going to do to me.  After Baby Woos is born I won't allow myself to indulge so I am taking advantage of it now.  I know I have said this before but I can't wait to start having my belly feel like my belly again without a baby growing inside me that can kick me anytime he wants.  As interesting as it is to watch my belly grow during this pregnancy, I think it is going to be twice as interesting watching my belly shrink as I get back into shape.  Plus with this blog it will give me extra motivation to stick to a sensable diet and exercise regularly.  I honestly can not wait to start up bootcamp again-- hopefully the doctor will give me the okay so I can start August 1st. 

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

34 Weeks

34 Weeks-- We are getting closer!  I have to admit that after swimming this past weekend I haven't had leg cramps and I am so relieved.  I have had some abdominal cramping and I think Braxton Hicks contractions but that is suppose to be normal.  When I talk to my other pregnant friends I am actually very thankful.  My one girlfriend has such swollen feet that she no longer fits into any of her shoes-- including her flipflops.  Thankfully I have not gotten swollen feet.  I am uncomfortable and always warm but I think anyone with a bowling bowl inside them would also be uncomfortable. 

Week 34 Pregnancy Symptoms:  (what no one talks about)

Flatulence: As your third trimester progresses, you may be getting gassier.

Constipation: Need to rev up those slow-moving bowels? Rough up your diet with some dried fruits, fruits and veggies, and whole grains. 

Increased vaginal discharge: As your pregnancy progresses, you could see an increase in vaginal discharge. Blame pregnancy hormones (especially estrogen) for this symptom — they increase blood flow to the pelvic area and stimulate the mucous membranes (making your juices flow).

Backaches: Your shifting center of gravity from back to belly puts more pressure and (ouch!) pain on your lower back.

Leg cramps: Leg cramps are most common around now, when the three main culprits — pregnancy weight, swelling, and fatigue — are at their peak.

Stretch marks: If you’re fair-haired and have a genetic predisposition toward stretch marks, you’re more likely to get them than someone who’s darker-haired (or skinned).

Mild swelling of ankles and feet: As you get bigger and your body tissues accumulate and retain fluids, you may experience swelling in your ankles, feet, and fingers.

Shortness of breath: As your pregnant belly gets bigger, your lungs won’t be able to expand as fully, so you may feel winded, even after a trip to the bathroom.

Difficulty sleeping: If you’re not worrying about your impending D-day, then leg cramps and trips to bathroom are banishing any chance of shut-eye.

Leaking colostrum: As your due date approaches and the third trimester wears on, your breasts may leak colostrum — yellowish pre-milk that will be your baby’s first drink. You won’t be leaking more than a few drops, but if you feel uncomfortable, try nursing pads.

What's Going on with Baby Woos?
Baby Woos has much stronger kicks that tend to hurt.  He also enjoys to move around a lot inside and change positions.  Hopefully we will find out on Monday that he is head down. 

Accoridng to What to Expect, Baby Woos is clocking in at five pounds and could be as tall as 20 inches by now, and the vernix (the white coating protecting your baby’s skin) is getting thicker. This week, a boy's testicles start making their way down from his abdomen to their final destination: his scrotum (look out below!). While about three to four percent of boys are born with undescended testicles, it's nothing to worry about — they usually head downtown before junior turns a year old. In other baby-related developments, those tiny fingernails have probably reached the tips of his fingers by now — and getting ready for that first postpartum manicure.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


This past weekend I was finally able to go swimming and it felt wonderful!!

When I go to the pool I am a fan of peace and quiet.  I enjoy this time to relax by myself and read a good book.  Now there are times when I love being with my friends too but nothing is better then floating on your stomach or back and doing pool exercises by yourself. 

Ahh-- just me and the pool on Memorial Day weekend.  Okay around 11:00 other people started to arrive and I must admit it wasn't as enjoyable.  Swimming in the pool felt great and my legs haven't been cramping up.  I will admit that I thought that I would float more but instead Baby Woos was like a weight in my stomach so the noodle (float) really made it more enjoyable to float and swim in the pool.  I am going to try and commit to go swimming at least three days a week to hopefully prevent any more leg cramps.

I think Baby Woos was a little bit confused about what was going on since the water was more on the chilly side and he probably floated more inside me.  I'm not sure how it works but after swimming each time Baby Woos was in a new position. 

In my freetime at the pool, I was researching how soon babies can go swimming and from what I found you can start swimming lessons at 6 months- which is basically learning how to play with your child in the water.  They also recommend that a newborn does not go in a pool his first two months because of risk of getting an infection from the bacteria in a pool. I have a feeling Baby Woos is going to love the water just like his momma.

What age do you think it is alright to start teaching your child to swim?  What age do you think it is alright to start bringing your child in the pool or ocean or lake?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Shade Garden

Good Morning!  Yesterday we woke to weather in the mid 60s and it felt wonderful.  I convinced Donnie to go to Home Depot with me and we picked up some hosta plants to add to my shade garden (that I have been neglecting.)

This is the area that I have not done much to over the last couple of years.  Prior to the Kentucky Derby Party Donnie had his friend come over and lay some sod next to our deck.  This sod his friend had leftover from a previous job so their is a little strip that is still our grass (or lack of grass) right in front of the garden.  When they laid down the sod, Donnie and his friend moved the rocks that were randomly placed in front of our door to make a border along my garden that you see above.

This shows how sod was laid next to the deck all the way back to the garden area.  Donnie also put mulch around the tree right before our Derby party.

Here is looking at the yard from the shade garden area to the deck.  This backyard paradise is almost complete... just a few pavers under the grill area and I would love to get some type of potted plant to go in the empty pot you see if this picture. 

Back to the shade garden...

I added more hostas and a ground covering plant with small blue flowers.  The picture is a little blurring but I already had a few hostas growing in the garden and ivy is also spreading in the garden.

I also added a hydrangea bush in the corner of our garden that I hope will grow and thrive there.  Right there it gets partial sunlight so I hope that is enough.  The garden could use some mulch to match the mulch around the tree but this pregnant lady is not going to mulch the garden and Donnie will most likely step on the plants because he is not so graceful so the mulch will have to wait till next year. 

This plant is a vine plant that is also growing in the garden.  I have no clue what it is and I'm not going to say what the leaves looks like but I don't think its a weed.  If you know what this plant is called let me know.  You can also see that I have baby elephant years started to sprout up, along with the ivy. 

My hopes for this garden is that it continues to grow and spread so I won't have to do much maintenance to it. 


On another note... I didn't make it to the pool yesterday because I was tired after doing the garden and some other chores so I decided to just lay outside at the house on our patio.  Today I will be making it to the pool in a few hours and be doing laps!! 

But here are a few funny pictures:

Me at 20 weeks:  (I can't believe that I thought I looked prego at 20 weeks and my belly was soo big)

And this is today (at 34 weeks):

Yup- I think my belly grew just a little (haha) in those 14 weeks!!  I knew that my belly was big but I really couldn't believe that my bathing suit shrunk so much when I put it on. :) Good thing that I really don't care if my belly is going to be hanging out while I go swimming today!

I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Baby Questions

I know that I will learn as I go but I have a few questions... and everywhere I look I see a different answer.  I love the internet to research things but sometimes it can be overwhelming.  I also have asked my mom friends for their opinions as well. 

Does an infant carseat face backwards in the car?

Car seats for young babies should be installed in the rear-facing position in the center of the rear seat (or the center seat of a van or station wagon with more than one backseat).  I can understand why they should be rear-facing but I also find it strange that you won't be able to see your child's face.  Also- it makes more sense (to me) to put the car seat behind the drivers seat so it will be easier to get him in and out. 

Here is an article with 8 common mistakes installing a carseat:
In the next couple of weeks we are going to attempt to install our carseat properly and then take it to get inspected to make sure.

Do I have to steralize the bottle before every use?

This is where I think the baby marketing industy is trying to sell another product.  I have spoken to many moms where they say the steralized their bottle before using it for the first time and then either used the dishwasher or just warm water and soap. 

How warm does the milk need to be if I use a bottle?

They sell a bottle warmer and I have registered for one but is it another product just to sell?  I think the milk should be room temperature.  I know you aren't suppose to microwave milk because it can lead to hot-spots in the bottle.  I will hopefully be breastfeeding exclusivly for the first month so I'm sure I will learn as I go.

While I am breastfeeding do I also have to pump?

The answer I have gotten is yes.  It is nice to have a stash of milk in the freezer for the nights if you want to have some libations and also for when I go back to work.   Plus, if some milk is stored up then Donnie can take care of a night feeding.  From what I have read, it is generally accepted that you can refrigerate breast milk for three to five days and freeze it for three to six months.   I have also been told (and read articles) to breastfeed without bottle at least for the first month and then introduce the bottle a few weeks before I have to go back to work.

Do you need to block off half the crib when you put baby to sleep (like you do when you crate animals)?

Still don't know this answer.  They sell all these products now so your baby sleeps on an incline, but in the hospital your baby sleeps on his back.  I have read that babies can't roll over so I'm assuming that they don't need a specific area blocked off.  I guess with all the new prodcuts it just makes me think that I need something else.
Do I need to swaddle Baby Woos every time he sleeps?

Hmm- I think the answer is yes because he will need a blanket and the swaddle acts as his blanket. 

Okay- well these have been the questions on my mind.  I know I may be worrying about nothing and I will learn as Baby Woos learns but some of the very basic items I want to know.  Now I am off to work.  Have a great Friday. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

33 Weeks- less than 50 days left

What's going on with me?
Third trimester is not as easy as first and second trimester were.  My headaches are back, I keep getting bad leg cramps in the middle of the night that wake me up screaming, and I am tired.  Okay, I guess it could be worse and I could be ordered to bed-rest (hope that NEVER happens) but I really can not wait to get my body back.  The numbers on the scale are SCARY and I can not believe my belly is soooo BIG!  Although I am complaining a lot my pregnancy really has been pretty easy I am just not used to not having control of my body.  Soon enough I will be able to start exercising again (like normal) & sleep on my stomach.  I do think that many of the negative symptoms are due to the fact I can't exercise like I want to--- my body does really strange things when it doesn't get enough cardio, etc.  But as long as Baby Woos is growing and he is healthy I really am happy!

Pregnancy Symptoms:
  • Hot! Your metabolic rate is through the roof, and that may leave you feeling overheatedI am always warm now a days.  Although I have complained that we have had a cool spring now that the heat is here I am glad that our spring has been cool. 
  • Headaches, due to hormone fluctuations, stress or dehydrationYes to headaches.
  • Shortness of breath -- though you're probably used to it by now. Unfortuantly yes.  When I am cleaning the house or even walking to and from court I sometimes find myself out of breath where really I haven't done that much.
  • Forgetfulness and clumsiness, also known as baby brain. This is totally normal. 
  • Lower abdominal achiness: If your belly is aching when you change positions or get up suddenly, you could be suffering from round ligament pain (or growing pains). As long as it’s occasional and you don’t have fever, chills, or bleeding along with it, there’s nothing to worry about. Getting off your feet (and getting comfy) helps. Check.  I told my doctor I was having abdominal pain so she checked me out and told me my cervix was closed and its just growing pains.  Baby Woos is running out of room in there :)
  • Protruding navel: Your belly button may have popped by. Is there anything you can do about it? Not really — but it will pop back in a few months after you deliver. I've already shown you how much my belly button has changed.

What's going on with Baby Woos?

Baby Woos is growing everyday and has hit another growth spurt... or else I ate one too many cupcakes over the the past two weeks.  At my appointment on Monday all of our vitals were good and heartrate is perfect.  My doctor is very happy in the way he is growing.  I did ask her if she knew Baby Woos' position and she said it really was too early to tell but he might be a little sideways right now.  At our next appointment in two weeks, I believe she told me they would be able to find out his position then and if they are unsure then we will have an ultrasound to check that he is head-down.  Cross your fingers that he is head-down!!  After that appointment, we will be having weekly visits at the doctor's office... crazy how close he is to his eviction date :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend went by way too fast!  On Saturday, instead of heading out to the beach early I decided to go for a nice, long bikeride in my neighborhood.  The weather was absolutely beautiful so I wanted to take advantage of it.  I will admit that my butt was pretty sore after my bikeride but it felt so good to get some cardio exercise in.  Running has been out of the question for a while and even long walks are hard to do because of the way Baby Woos sits.  The most I like to walk is the dogs route of 1/2 mile because anymore and I start to get a little crampy.  However, with my bikeride my legs were able to get a workout, my belly felt great and I didn't get any cramps in my belly.  I finished off my bike ride with some light weights and a short walk with the dogs.  

I am really waiting for the pools to warm up so I can go swimming.  We have had such a cool Spring that the pools are still a little too cold to enjoy.  This weekend I am going to attempt to go swimming and will probably get in the water either way so I can lay on my tummy.  Not being able to lay on your stomach is one downside to pregnancy!  My girlfriend (who is 38 weeks pregnant) went to the beach recently and she dug a hole in the sand for her belly so she could lay on her stomach.  She said it was embarassing digging the hole but felt so nice once she was finally laying down. 

After my bikeride on Saturday we went to Folly Beach for our friends Baby Shower.  It was a very nice gathering and the weather was perfect with a breeze from the water. 


The remainder of the weekend was blah!  As soon as we got back from the shower I started to get a headache so I treid to relax on the couch.  Then later in the night I had bad abdominal cramps and my headache got worse.  On Sunday I spent the entire day napping because my headache would not go away... at least my stomach felt 100% again.  Around 6pm (almost 27 hours later) my headache finally went away.  I really hope that this weekend was a one time occurance because these headaches are impossible to deal with especially when I can't take my excedrin!  I do have prescription headache medicine that I am allowed to take but it really doesn't help too much... sleep and a cold icemask are my remedies.  At least it was cloudy and muggy yesterday so I didn't miss a beautiful day outside.

I feel great and energizzed this morning! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Prenatal Yoga

I am so proud of myself for actually making it to my prenatal yoga class today.  Since I am not doing any Lamaze classes I told myself that now until Baby Woos is born that I MUST go to my prenatal yoga class.  I have to admit that my mind wanders a lot during class (about what I'm hungry for, etc..) but I do work on my breathing and we stretch our hip muscles to prepare our body for labor as much as we can.  So mentally this yoga class doesn't do much for me but physically I know that this class will be very beneficial come labor time. 

Since it is a class of only pregnant women it is also very nice to hear them talk about how they are doing and any tips they have.  My instructor has also had two children so she gives us tips as well.  Today I learned that while pushing during labor you should push with your throat (not your face) since you throat muscles and your vagina muscles are connected.  Now I am not really sure how they are connected but it is a breathing technique that is worth a try during labor.  This lady is pregnant with her second child and she said she only had to push for 15 minutes so why not take her advice. 

I was also questioned today if Baby Woos is breached or if anything is complicated in his position.  Every doctors appointment that I have gone to the measure me, test my urine, we listen to his heartbeat, and sometimes do a pelvic exam.  We have always been very healthy - good blood pressure, no sugar in urine, healthy heart rate, etc but the last time I saw Baby Woos was around 21 weeks on his last ultrasound.  I'm not sure if they do another ultrasound to find out your baby's position or how it really works.  My next appointment on Monday I will ask.  I really hope that Baby Woos is positioned correctly.

Now for some belly talk:

During class I noticied that when I go into a slight back bend position Baby Woos is centered across my stomach and he looks like a little cone.  Now I showed Donnie this and he thinks I am just strange but really your body does some crazy things. 

look how my belly is a cone  :)

Another cone picture but in the mirror.

Since I am showing a very strange picture of Baby Woos as a cone position I thought I would also share that most of the time now my belly button is half outtie and half innie (except for when I am laying down it is an innie again).  Okay yes I am strange but again it is so crazy how your body can stretch in the way it does to accommodate a growing baby.

Happy Friday!!  I hope that my belly pictures aren't too strange and that everyone has a wonderful weekend.  We are going to our friends Baby Shower tomorrow out on Folly Beach so hopefully the weather will be beautiful--- I could use a nice long walk on the beach!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

32 Week Checklist-

It's count-down time so I wanted to re-look at my original to do list that I wrote at 24 weeks. This list is more beneficial to me then to you but it helps me stay on track with everything. 

Stuff to Do: 
  • Set up life insurance policy for our family  Still researching 
  • Do we need to write a will?  Need to work on this but can be done after Baby Woos is born
  • Figure out and ask our future God Parents if they will be God Parents  (we already have our godparents picked out) We asked Ann and Brad this past weekend
  • Research cord banking
  • Take tour of hospital (East Cooper) and fill out paperwork- Is their another financial agreement we need to sign?  Must contact them within 30 days of Baby Woos due date to fill out the pre-register paperwork.  (won't allow you to do any sooner)
  • Do I need a birth plan?  Mine is get to the hospital in time so I can have an epidural.  Anything else I am forgetting?
  • Choose a pediatrician- one in West Ashley
  • Buy a car (my focus is not Baby safe) We are working on this but for now I will drive Donnie's car while he drives the focus.
fun stuff:
  • continue with prenatal yoga classes I am soooo bad at making it to class but hope to be more successful plus I need to go on more walks
  • complete baby registry- Target and Babies-R-Us  mostly completed but may need to make some changes
  • break down guest room to make nursery
  • assemble crib & buy crib mattress- already bought our nursery furniture Still need crib mattress (on our registry)
  • paint nursery- must figure out colors first 
  • figure out nursery decor
  • buy bedding and glider for nursery (on registry- so hopefully we will receive as gifts) Still need glider
  • Have our baby showers: NY- May 11th; SC- June 1st 2nd
  • Put together all items once we get them: stroller; pack-n-play; swing
  • Install car seat and have it inspected  (must do or else Baby Woos stays at hospital)  We have our car seat but just need to install it-- first week of June
  • Organize Changing area- diapers, wipes, etc  Still need changing items- on registry
  • Organize closet- figure out an easy system Still need a few baskets, hamper, etc. but I have an idea of where everything is going to go.
  • Make sure nursery monitor is set up and works properly  We have monitor just now need to figure out how to use it :)
  • wash all bedding and clothes:  Do I really need to do this? yes... I am going to go buy some detergent soon and do this.  I have taken off all tags already and all blankets, sheets, and clothes are ready to be washed.
  • buy nightgown for hospital and nursing tang tops
  • pack a hospital bag- pick out something cute for Baby Woos to wear home I'll do this first week of June
  • announce Baby Woos' name  Dylan
Top 5 Items that Baby Woos still needs off of our Registry: 
  • Mattress and protector sheet
  • Glider with Ottoman
  • Breast Pump and Bottles
  • Changing Pad and Cover
  • Diapers-  I really want to use G-Diapers.
This list is really short compared to our original list.  We are so thankful to already have nursery furniture, stroller, carseat, extra carseat base, highchair, two swings, walker, pack-n-play with bassinet, bathtub, baby carrier, crib bedding, baby monitor, diaper bag, crib musical soother, and a ton of small items including towels, blankets, bibs, clothing, and toys.  Baby Woos even has his own life jacket and two bathing suits so we are ready to get in the water :)  After our southern baby shower and my work shower then I will head to Babies R Us and Target and pick up the remaining items that we need...until then I am going to wait patiently--which is SOOO hard to do! 

Who would have thought that a baby needs so many things?  Okay so maybe not all these items are true necessities but they make life a whole lot easier.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

8 Months- 32 Weeks

Baby Woos at 32 Weeks
What's going on with me?  I really feel great just large and in charge.  When I was in NY I measured my belly and I am measuring 45 inches round now... crazy to think your skin can strech that big.  Today I did my own "baby bootcamp" at home and I must say doing squats is a chore now with the extra weight.  I couldn't do as much as I wanted because my stomach cramped a little so I stopped working out but I was able to do some squats, arm weights, jump rope, and very few ab moves. 

Symtoms that I get to look forward to:
  • More Braxton Hicks contractions. I haven't had any that I am aware of.  I have had some ligament pain in my lower stomach but it is a sharp quick pain that goes right away.. like a short leg cramp.
  • Darker nipples, so baby can see then better when it comes time to breastfeed.
  • Shortness of breath. Don't worry: baby is getting plenty of air. I try to avoid the elevators and walk the stairs at work but now I am getting a little lazy because I don't want to get to court panting.  :)
  • Heartburn. Go ahead and pop an antacid.  No heartburn!!!  I heard that you usually get heartburn once your baby starts growing hair... I guess Baby Woos is taking after his daddy and doesn't have any hair yet.
  • Enlarged breasts that may leak!
  • Vaginal discharge. Your body is preparing for delivery by preventing infection down there.

What's going on with Baby Woos?

Baby Woos is growing and is feeling a bit more cramped inside!  According to , he's starting to get ready for his big debut, tipping the scales at almost four pounds and topping out at just about 19 inches. In these past few weeks, it's all about practice, practice, practice as he hones the skills he'll need to thrive outside the womb — from swallowing and breathing to kicking and sucking. And speaking of sucking, your little one has been able to suck his thumb for a while now. Something else to note: As more and more fat accumulates under your baby's skin, he's becoming less transparent and more opaque.  Baby Woos may have also turned so he is in the head-down position by now, poised for her trip down the birth canal.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Baby Shower and Godparents

For the past couple of days Donnie and I have been in NY spending time with my family and friends.  It has been a very eventful weekend.  Donnie and I finally asked (we had decided in February but wanted to ask them together in person) my sister and her husband Brad if they would be our godparents to Baby Woos.  They said yes (after a few tears) and we were very excited.  The plans are to come up next year sometime during late spring or summer to baptize Dylan in the Episcopal Church that I grew up in as a child.
Donnie and I with Brad (Godfather)
Ann (Godmother) and I

On Saturday my mom and my sister threw Baby Woos our first Baby Shower.  It was absolutely wonderful. Pooh was the theme of the shower and it was perfect since I have always loved Winnie the Pooh and I also have his quotes on the walls in the nursery.  The food was delicious and it was so great to see everyone.  My mom cooked all of my favorite dishes... and everyone raved about how tasty everything was.

beehive cake and cupcakes

My best friend from high school is also pregnant with a Baby girl and is due in October.  Since she is already a mom and is pregnant she has been sooo helpful during my pregnancy to ask the embarrassing questions because no questions are really embarrassing with her.  
Kathy (Krissy's mom), Krissy & I

It was also nice to see all of our close family friends that I know will be an important part of Baby Woos' life as well.  These ladies have all seen me grow up from childhood to become the woman that I am today.

Mom, Aunt Jill, Me and Ann

Erin and Queenie
Aunt Cindy, Mom, & Aunt Jo Jo
Vicki and I

When it was time to open gifts I was so thankful that I had a little helper because it really made it so much easier.  With my big belly it is hard to bend down and pick up the gifts but I did not have to worry about that with my helper.

My mom also crowned me with a "Mom to Be" crown.  I could handle the crown since their were no baby shower games.  Here are a few gift pictures.  I can't believe how well Baby Woos made out.

After everyone left I took a small nap and then went through all the clothes, blankets, toys, swings, etc...  My mom kept asking me if this was making me nervous and really it wasn't.  I am so excited and feel ready to have Baby Woos.  Having the shower was actually pretty relieving because every gift we received is one last item that we have to buy.

Me trying to organize our gifts

We are also very fortunate that my cousin Vicki was able to pass down some of her twins baby stuff that she no longer needs.  Now tomorrow we get to pick up our rental minivan (to fit all our goodies) and have a lovely 15 hour drive ahead of us.  At least our Southern Baby Shower is only a ten minute ride away.  :)


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

31 Weeks

At 31 weeks I feel great.  Baby Woos, the dogs and I went for a nice walk this morning.  Finally the sun in shining in Charleston-- just in time for us to go to New York. :)
Baby Woos- 31 Weeks

My belly is so big!!  So far during my pregnancy I have gained 28 pounds and although most of the weight is in my belly, lately I am just feeling a little plumpier in other places as well.  In all honestly I am not concerned about my weight gain because I don't think I will have too much of a hard time losing it once I start eating properly and exercising again (crossing my fingers).  For the most part I eat pretty healthy but if I want a cookie or an extra serving or something fattening I haven't really thought twice about it since you really can only gain weight without everyone saying "looks like you've gained a few pounds" when your pregnant.  Now if I have already gained 40 or 50 pounds during my pregnancy I would be thinking differently but I am on track to stay within the suggested weight gain during pregnancy.  (The suggested weight gain is between 25-35 pounds.  I know I will be on the higher note at the end but as long as I have a healthy Baby Boy it has been worth it.)

Enough about weight gain!  Here are some other symptoms says I get to look forward to.

Pregnancy Symptoms at 31 weeks :
  • Out of breath, since baby keeps squishing your lungs.  I do notice Baby Woos moving a lot more around my rib cage- which isn't too comfortable.  I try to push him down but it doesn't work too well. 
  • Dry, brittle nails, thanks to all that extra nail growth.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions. Be sure you're drinking plenty of water and changing positions often.  I have not had any Braxton Hicks contractions.  I asked my doctor how would I know if I was having one and she said it would feel like a pain across your whole abdomen area like a contraction.  The only pain that I get in my stomach area is a quick sharp pain to one area which is most likely ligament pain or Baby Woos kicking me harder then usual.
  • Leaky boobs. That's baby's first food, called colostrum. Still has not happened.  Hopefully it won't until Baby Woos is born.
  • Frequent urination. Your bladder's just as crowded as your lungs.  I feel like anytime I go anywhere my first stop is the restroom. 
  • Back aches. Be sure to keep stretching. No real problem here.
  • Difficulty sleeping. Aches and pains, your big belly, pregnancy hormones, heartburn and anxiety are probably all contributing.  I have had trouble sleeping my entire pregnancy!!  Hopefully this is just getting me prepared for some of the sleepless nights ahead.  I don't have heartburn or anxiety but sleeping really isn't that comfortable when you have a big belly with a baby moving inside you. 

What is going on with Baby Woos?

Your baby's the size of a pineapple!
He's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. He's getting so big, he's probably crowding your lungs.  Baby Woos is going through major brain and nerve development since all his five senses are in working order.  In addition his irises are now able to react to light.

Baby Woos is continuing to be active.  At our last doctors appointment on Monday my doctor said his heartbeat is great and he is growing at a wonderful speed. 

and lastly... look I don't really look pregnant from the behind  :) 

Now time to finish getting ready to go to NY.  Sarah will be watching Trouble at our house and the dogs are being boarded.  Poor Trouble has one more week until he is allowed to go outside again.