
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Welcome Third Trimester- 27 weeks

27 Weeks

As with most things in pregnancy there is no one clear answer to any question.  I was trying to figure out when the third trimester official starts and the answers range from 26 weeks to 28 weeks.  So I decided to take the average and figure that the third trimester starts at week 27.  (It does make sense since you are pregnant for roughly 40 weeks and if you divide the 40 by 3- each trimester should be 13.3 weeks long.)  So with that being said, I have officially entered into my third Trimester this week... crazy how time flies by! 

What's Going on with Me?

It is definitely getting harder for me to bend over now a days.  Our pots and pans are in a bottom cabinet and sometimes I find myself sitting on the kitchen floor to look for the pot or pan I want- it is so much easier then bending over to look.  In bootcamp I also have to slowly put my hands on the ground in front of me before I jump back to do a burpee.  I guess Baby Woos is really getting that big so I can't bend.  I also have been getting a little heartburn this week- NO!  But when I eat ice cream or yogurt it helps so more Ben and Jerry's for me :)

I am a little more clumsy and off balance too.  The other day in bootcamp I actually fell-- I fell on my butt so no worries- but still a little embarrassing.  Shaving in the shower is also becoming a more difficult task.  And lastly- my belly is growing bigger every day!!  In the third trimester you are supposed to gain 1 pound per week.  I really can not see my belly grow another 10 pounds but I guess I will just have to wait and see.

I also have to pee all the time- since Baby Woos is putting a ton of pressure on my bladder.  They also warn about snissing-- when you pee and sneeze at the same time...just lovely!

What is going on with Baby Woos?

At 27 weeks, Baby Woos is breathing  (it’s amniotic fluid, not air, but it still counts) and his lungs are developing more and more.  He is also starting to have brain development and his brain is going to continue to become more complex.

Baby Woos is also moving around ALL of the time.  I don't think he likes the vacuum cleaner that much because he was kicking or punching me the entire time I was vacuuming this morning.   

Oh- and he is GROWING!!!   

Happy Wednesday!  So excited my mom and sister arrive today.

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