
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

29 Weeks

I think the bar at the top has finally caught up to Baby Woos.  Baby Woos is now the size of an acorn squash.  He measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but he's still got a ways to go... he'll almost triple in weight before birth.   

Whats going on with me?  I have a new strange craving for milk... which I am not complaining about because I need the calcium.  I don't ever remember ever wanting to drink a glass of milk before- especially if it isn't chocolate.. but it is my new best friend.  (Actually prior to being pregnant drinking regular milk (1% or skim) would upset my stomach so much that I switched to almond milk.  Being able to drink regular milk again without any problems is very interesting.) My legs are also cramping up a little more and more so I need to make sure I stay hydrated and consume more potassium.  

Other Pregnancy Symptoms:
  • Lots of kicks! (All that crowding.)  Check
  • Headaches and/or lightheadedness, possibly due to difficulty sleeping, but it could be from low blood sugar too, so make sure you're eating at regular intervals.  Check...but not as bad as first trimester.
  • Itchy belly. Your skin is stretching thinner, making it more sensitive.  I don't have an itchy belly but this may be because I lather up in lotion every day.
  • Back, leg or pelvic painCramping in legs, and some cramping in pelvic area.  Back still strong.
  • Hemorrhoids. Baby's putting pressure on your digestive system, and hormones may be relaxing your intestinal muscles. Eat plenty of fiber.  No problem here.
  • Constipation. This isn't really helping the hemorrhoid situation, is it?  No problem here.
  • Trouble sleeping -- still!  Check
  • Gotta pee -- again! The more your uterus expands, the more you'll probably have to hit the restroom. Check, Check, Check. 
  • Varicose veins. Don't worry! These should fade after delivery.  No problem.

Whats going on with Baby Woos?
At 29 weeks, he’s not just moving a lot, he's also plumping up.  He's getting a little cramped in there, since he's growing so fast and therefore he is much more active with his kicks and jabs.  He's also growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.  From time to time he may be hiccuping which will feel like little twitches.  Baby Woos is an active little baby already.  He loves to do most of his aerobics at night but I feel him all day moving around inside.   

Baby Woos and I had a checkup on Monday.  His heartbeat is strong and we are both very healthy and happy.  He is growing at a great pace and the doctor said I was gaining weight at a great pace too- even though those numbers on the scale are SCARY!! 

Happy Wednesday!

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