
Friday, April 12, 2013

Mom & Sister visit

Mom, my sister, Me, & Donnie
It has been a wonderful and busy time with my mom and my sister here.  We have been shopping, shopping, and some more shopping.  On the first full day we were able to go to Babies-R-Us and Target to finish off our baby registery... so happy to have it complete.  My mom also bought us our stroller/car seat so after we properly install our carseat and have it checked out we will be able to take Baby Woos home from the hospital.

After doing baby shopping my mom and sister went shopping at the outlets as I looked at all the clothes that my belly would not fit into.  I actually measured myself and my belly has grown an inch since Easter-- pretty crazy!  As I look at these pictures I don't feel like I have grown an inch in two weeks but you really can tell that Baby Woos has hit a growth sprut (and its not going to stop).

We also went to dinner at Wild Olive on John's Island since one request was a good Itilian meal from my mom.  Since this restaurant is new to Donnie and I we decided to take my mom and sister and the food was delicious, again.

every growing belly!!

I am super excited about decorating the nursery after my family leaves.  We have really come a long way and I think we have picked out a paint color- thanks to the help of my mom.  Once we begin the nursery I will let you know what we have decided and show you how the nursery progresses. 

Today it has been rainy and ulgy but tomorrow it is supposed to be a beautiful day so I can't wait to spend the day at the beach.  Keep your fingers crossed that we have great weather!

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