
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Guest Room/Office

I haven't been in the mood to write lately because our poor cat has been in the emergency vet and now our normal vet since Sunday at 4:30 am.  Poor guy came home Saturday morning sick!  He wouldn't eat or drink and slept all day with the occasional cry.  Then Sunday morning around 3:00am I woke up to him throwing up and a comforter (where he was sleeping) full of blood.  Long story short- we came VERY close to saying our goodbyes but he made it through the first day with improving signs and then we decided on surgery since it was the only option to save his life.  Two bladder stones were removed from his bladder (where the x-ray only showed one).  Surgery went great and his vitals are all back to normal but he has to spend one more night at the vet so they can remove his catheter in the morning.  Trouble is such a tough cat but I can't believe how much he (and his momma) has been through these last few days.  I don't know if it is my pregnancy hormones or because I have had Trouble for 10 years but it has been an emotional roller-coaster. 

Trouble- When I moved him from our emergency vet to our normal vet for surgery.

New Guest Room/Office
Onto better and more exciting news.  On Saturday we completed the guest room/office.  This was a fun project- although Donnie was a but resistant in wanting to move his office.  So instead of completely removing his office we kept the computer and desk area devoted to the office. 
This is what we started with.  We didn't know if we should do a green or a orange color in the office.   We choose to go with the green colors.

Before Picture:
Starting to tape the room and move some supplies into the middle of the office.  The elliptical has been moved to the garage and is plugged in.  As I type, Donnie is actually riding the elliptical right now.  So although it is in the garage,  it is still going to get some use.  Our garage is actually a garage/man cave/office and now exercise room.

Here I am painting the desk area.  We chose a lighter green for the desk area.  We still need to replace the material actually on the desk but that will be much later down the road.

This was going to be the bedding prior to Trouble getting sick.  I really don't think the dry cleaners could have saved the comforter so I went out and bought a new bed set.

Finished Guest Room/Office:

Our New Completed Guest Room.  I am also much happier with this bed spread. 

View from walking into the guest room.

On my zebra in the corner I want to get a house plant for it...but haven't had the time yet.

Finished desk area.  The top four shelves I can use as decorations, while Donnie is using the bottom four shelves for his work.  Now I just need to figure out what I want to do with my shelves, but for now the pictures will work.  

We have been super busy in the house with the nursery, the patio/deck, and the guest room.  However, we are official done with all the big projects that I wanted to get done in our house.  We still have some odds and ends to do but I am so happy with all of our improvements.  

Saturday, April 27, 2013

No more Bootcamp (For Now)

Friday was my last day of boot camp classes until Baby Woos arrives.  My body isn't moving as fast as I would like to and carrying around a 20 pound basketball doesn't help.  Plus, my body no longer wants me to jump around.  Although I am not too excited stopping bootcamp I think it is whats best for Baby Woos and my body. 

29 Weeks-- last official week of bootcamp

I am proud of myself for making it up to my 30 week of pregnancy in bootcamp. (I will technically be 30 weeks on Sunday)  This past week we had some great workouts and I did here the comment from other girls in the class "if pregnant girl is doing it I guess I have to" which makes me feel great about me exercising. 

I wish I knew how to post video on my blog but until I learn I just wanted to mention a few exercises that I am proud to say I did until the end:

Ninja Jumps:  Yup- I can do what this girl is doing in the video.  No hands :)

Candlesticks:  I have posted this before but I am still proud to say that I can do candlesticks without using my hands.  Most people don't like this exercise but it has always been one of my favorites.

Burpees:  When I say burpees I mean one-legged burpees, scorpion burpees, super burpees, etc.  The only burpee I can not do is a deadman burpee since it requires you to lay on your stomach.  (Also- sometimes in class if we are doing a lot of repeated burpees I will do the burpees on an incline.)

So now that bootcamp is over- I do plan to continue to exercise.  I am going to go to prenatal yoga and carve out time each day to make sure I make it to class.  I will also go swimming (once it gets a little warmer) and make sure I continue to go for walks.  I am also thinking of continuing my training with Kindal (bootcamp instructor) on a one on one basis (actually two on one basis).  Right now Kindal is training another pregnant client in individual sessions so I may piggyback on those sessions.  I know my body to well that if I completely stop exercise then it will go into "shock" and the last two months of pregnancy would be ugly.  I know I may sound crazy but I am looking forward to starting bootcamp classes back in August and I can't wait to participate in a 5K this fall. 
My last race since carrying Baby Woos- In December 2012  (I actually PRed in this race too)

Happy Saturday!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

29 Weeks

I think the bar at the top has finally caught up to Baby Woos.  Baby Woos is now the size of an acorn squash.  He measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but he's still got a ways to go... he'll almost triple in weight before birth.   

Whats going on with me?  I have a new strange craving for milk... which I am not complaining about because I need the calcium.  I don't ever remember ever wanting to drink a glass of milk before- especially if it isn't chocolate.. but it is my new best friend.  (Actually prior to being pregnant drinking regular milk (1% or skim) would upset my stomach so much that I switched to almond milk.  Being able to drink regular milk again without any problems is very interesting.) My legs are also cramping up a little more and more so I need to make sure I stay hydrated and consume more potassium.  

Other Pregnancy Symptoms:
  • Lots of kicks! (All that crowding.)  Check
  • Headaches and/or lightheadedness, possibly due to difficulty sleeping, but it could be from low blood sugar too, so make sure you're eating at regular intervals.  Check...but not as bad as first trimester.
  • Itchy belly. Your skin is stretching thinner, making it more sensitive.  I don't have an itchy belly but this may be because I lather up in lotion every day.
  • Back, leg or pelvic painCramping in legs, and some cramping in pelvic area.  Back still strong.
  • Hemorrhoids. Baby's putting pressure on your digestive system, and hormones may be relaxing your intestinal muscles. Eat plenty of fiber.  No problem here.
  • Constipation. This isn't really helping the hemorrhoid situation, is it?  No problem here.
  • Trouble sleeping -- still!  Check
  • Gotta pee -- again! The more your uterus expands, the more you'll probably have to hit the restroom. Check, Check, Check. 
  • Varicose veins. Don't worry! These should fade after delivery.  No problem.

Whats going on with Baby Woos?
At 29 weeks, he’s not just moving a lot, he's also plumping up.  He's getting a little cramped in there, since he's growing so fast and therefore he is much more active with his kicks and jabs.  He's also growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.  From time to time he may be hiccuping which will feel like little twitches.  Baby Woos is an active little baby already.  He loves to do most of his aerobics at night but I feel him all day moving around inside.   

Baby Woos and I had a checkup on Monday.  His heartbeat is strong and we are both very healthy and happy.  He is growing at a great pace and the doctor said I was gaining weight at a great pace too- even though those numbers on the scale are SCARY!! 

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kentucky Derby Ideas

It is going to be super busy at our home the next couple of weeks to get ready for our
 Kentucky Derby Party. 
Not only do I need to plan the party we also have to move the guest room into the office still... the painting of the guest room may be on hold for another weekend or so but we will just have to wait and see.  For the past two years we have thrown a Kentucky Derby Party.  This party is now a tradition to throw and is extremely fun since we auction off the horses, bet on horses, get to dress up and wear big hats, and have a great time.  Plus, Donnie is from Kentucky so it only makes sense to host this party every year.

Decorations Ideas:  I love the limes in the clear vases.  I have plenty of vases left over from our wedding of all sizes which will come in hand.  The last picture shows printouts that make the food more festive.  I used them last year and loved how the brightened the food.  Best Blog for ideas:
babies breath and limes  Tall red rose centerpiece with limes in clear trumpet vase by Floral Poetry.
 Kentucky derby wreathI like the colored burlap and twine around the jars- centerpiece idea.    FREE Kentucky Derby Party Printables – “Taste of Derby”

The bar will be fully stocked with mint juleps (everyone needs to have at least one) and bourbon-- plus the normal.  I have been growing fresh mint just so we can have it for the Derby.  We will also have non-alcoholic beer for me and my other pregnant friends.
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Food Ideas:

Tradition to have Bourbon Balls (although this year I won't be able to eat any).. and I like to make mine extra strong.. but they are soooo tasty even if you aren't a big bourbon fan
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Must have Benedictine Spread  (Last year I did tea sandwiches but I like the spread idea better)  The dip is a mixture of cucumber, onion, and cream cheese with some spices. I want to serve with pita chips and cucumber rounds.
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This year I am also going to be cooking two pork loins in the crock pot with Mr. Stubb's pork seasoning.  I tried it this past weekend and the meat was delicious.  Extra tender and it pulled apart so easily.  Below is the picture that made me want to cook the pork in the crockpot.
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Avocado and Tomato Bruchetta with fresh basil:  These look so tasty- plus are vegan/vegetarian friendly.  Makes my mouth water looking at them.
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Hawaiian Ham and Cheese Sliders:  I made these last year and they went fast.  So simple to make too!
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Antipasta Kabobs-- food on a stick is so much better.  I think I will do these instead of  my tomato, basil, and mozzarella skewers that I did last year.
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If I have time, I want to try these:  Pecan Pie Cupcakes-- yum!
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In addition to all the yummy dishes above I will have some fillers like pasta salad, chips with ranch dip and quiche.  Plus everyone loves cheese and crackers and what a cute way to display cheese as a hat:

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So those are my ideas on paper.  Now you will just have to wait and see what I come up with at our Kentucky Derby Party.

I have already started making some decorations and have our plates, cups, etc..  Planning this party is a nice distraction from the nursery since I am so tempted to go shopping for Baby Woos.  I will refrain myself and wait until after our showers to buy any additional baby items. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hospital Bag Checklist

So I know that I am not due until July but I love checking things to do off.  So needless to say I have thought about and bought items for our stay in the hospital.  We will be delivering at East Cooper Medical in Mt. Pleasant.  Within the next couple of weeks Donnie and I plan to take a tour of the hospital and fill out any paperwork we can in advance.  As long as everything goes smoothly I think I will only be in the hospital for one or two nights (max).

One item on my checklist that I have bought is my robe and slippers:

I also bought comfortable pajama bottoms and a top.  Believe it or not but finding things to sleep in have been the hardest the last few weeks because I don't want anything touching my belly.  Pants/shorts are only comfortable if they sit below my belly... so I was in love with these very light weight pants when they came in the mail. Below the belly in the front and above my butt in the back :)

Some other items that I have ready to pack are nursing bras, sleep bras, cotton underwear, a nightgown (that is super easy to nurse in), a nursing top.  Plus I finally found maternity exercise pants and shorts that are similar to the pajamas in that they sit below the belly but are normal height in the back.

And my favorite part that I have ready is a going home outfit for Baby Woos.  A baby gown (much easier then trying to mess with pants), socks, a hat, and a little blanket.  The gown also has built in mittens so he can't scratch his face with his nails.  As for me I'll probably be going home in my exercise pants or shorts with a maternity top...nothing fancy!

And last but not least I bought a travel toiletry bag.  I have been wanting a toiletry bag for a while  (I just use a ziplock bag- even when I'm not flying) so what better excuse to buy one now.  This is completely empty right now but I plan on putting in my normal toiletries plus some breast pads and other mommy items I might need. (remember: hair ties & chapstick)

You may be asking what else is there...
  • receiving blankets for Dylan (I know the hospital has them but I hear they aren't as soft)
  • towel (hospital towel may be small)
  • socks
  • camera and extra batteries
  • i-pad (mostly for Donnie)
  • cell-phones and charger
  • boppie??- to help with nursing
  • change of clothes for Donnie
  • car seat-- We must remember to install the car seat and have it inspected!!
  • if we have time: small cooler with snacks and drinks- don't know what hospital will have
  • loose change for vending machines

Now I have not packed a single item but I have all my items (for the most part).  After we do our tour of the hospital we will know more if we need to bring more or less.  I actually won't pack the bag until mid June but I love being prepared. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Begining of the Nursery..

So excited to say that the nursery is starting to become a nursery.  After a week of picking out the color, painting, re-painting, painting the baseboards, etc  the nursery is finally painted AND we put together the crib and moved the furniture into the nursery. 

Before Picture-- Nursery as Guest Room

Grey or Blue??? 

We went with the darker grey color

Calli wanted to help paint as well

1st coat complete...

Second coat complete

Taking off the tape was the fun part

Tape the baseboards and paint them white

Completed Paint Job

Also painted one wall in the closet

Brought in our Nursery Furniture

Putting Together our Crib

Crib is Finished 
Now we need to find a curtain, wall decor, and start accessorizing the nursery with bedding, changing pads, etc.  I have also moved the furniture in the room several times to try and see what works best.  I think the crib is going to stay on the far wall so the air vents don't directly blow on Baby Woos.

We have bought a rug for the nursery but are just waiting for it to come in the mail:

I am also playing with balls to hang on the ceiling to add a pop of color:  I may only hang two balls or a cluster of balls... still playing with the idea.  (These balls are left over from our wedding)

And I bought this bumper for our crib.  (We are also registered for the alphabet bedding because I think that having two is a wise choice expecially since babies love to spit up, etc.)

So in a nutshell that is the start of our nursery.  I can't wait to have a finished nursery but that will have to wait until after our showers and until we find the right decor.

Happy Friday!