
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Three weeks out

Baby Woos is already 3 weeks old.  Sometimes it feels like he just got here and sometimes it feels like he has been he much longer then three weeks.  

What's going on with Baby Woos?  
We are still trying to get a sleep schedule down.  Some nights he is super good and others not so much.  The nights that aren't as good I think we can blame them on his nap he likes to take around 8-10 and then he wants to be up til 2 in the morning.  So now we are going to be implementing bath time at 8 most nights.

I have started to use the Breast Pump-- wow what an interesting tool.  I am trying to get a little freezer stash for when I go back to work and also have some milk so daddy can start feeding him in the bottle.  Hopefully he will take a bottle because he won't take a pacifier.  In place of his pacificer is my finger.

What's going on with me?
I weighed myself yesterday (at the three week mark) and I lost another 3 pounds.  So that puts me to 10 pounds (or 15 if go by my best weight at boot camp) away from my pre-pregnancy weight.  But we all know that the last 10 pounds are always the most stubborn to lose.  

Although my weight is only off by 10 pounds my body is in no where the shape I want it to be.  This week I have been increasing the length of our walks and today we walked 1.5 miles.  I don't want to do too much too soon so every day we try to walk a little further.  We love our walks together!!

1 comment:

  1. Three weeks. You look Great!! Dylan is changing so fast! He's growing, you're loosing:)
