
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Grandma & Grandpa Woosley

Grandma and Grandpa Woosley came to visit us last weekend to meet their first grandson.  We had a wonderful time with them and they are such proud grandparents.  Grandma couldn't wait to hold her grandson.

Grandma loved having Baby Woos fall asleep on her and when he cried she was so good at rocking him to sleep.  What I thought was interesting is that both my mom and Donnie's mom held Dylan the same way- over their shoulder; while Donnie and I both prefer to hold him in front so we can see their face.  (I guess we are just new parents and we'll grow into him over the shoulder.) 

Grandpa loved playing and relaxing with his grandson.

Grandma & Grandpa gave us Donnie's first sweater that Donnie wore as a baby.  Below is a picture of Donnie wearing the sweater and then of Dylan wearing the sweater:  Too Cute!!

Every day Baby Woos is growing into a big healthy boy.  I am so curious to see how he grows up.. it is going to be an adventure!!  Some days he looks more like mommy and some days he looks more like daddy.  I guess that means he is a good combination of the two of us. :)

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