
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Eggplant Bruschetta & Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Happy Independence Day!

Today the sun is actually shining in Charleston but as I write this I can see the storm clouds coming in.  In celebration of the 4th we are going to have our friends Kristi and Jeff over to grill tonight and then will probably just watch the fireworks in our neighborhood.

Although we are still barbecuing chicken on the grill we aren't having traditional 4th of July food.  Instead we are having food that is suppose to help induce labor :)

My list from yesterday included eggplant, basil, oregano, balsamic vinegar... so what better way then use all these ingredients in one dish:  Eggplant Bruschetta.  It may not look that delicious but if you like eggplant and ricotta cheese this dish is for you!


  • one medium eggplant 
  • baguette
  • 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • handful (or two) of fresh basil
  • 3 tbsp. of balsamic vinegar
  • garlic, oregano, basil, red pepper flakes, parsley, salt & pepper
  • olive oil
Take the eggplant and slice it into 1/4 in. rounds.  In a small dish mix olive oil with your dried spices and then brush the eggplant with the olive oil and spices.  Broil in oven on both sides until lightly browned.  

In separate bowl mix together the cheese, fresh basil, balsamic vinegar, and add fresh garlic if you'd like.  Once the eggplant is cool to touch chop it up and add to the cheese mixture.

When ready to prepare toast your baguette first and then add the eggplant mixture on toasted baguette and broil until hot.  Enjoy!


On my list from yesterday I also included pineapple so instead of making a festive red, white, and blue cake I decided to make a Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

  • box of yellow cake mix
  • eggs and oil for cake mix;  instead of water use the extra pineapple juice
  • 20 oz can of pineapple slices or fresh pineapple slices
  • cherries
  • brown sugar (1 cup)
  • butter (1/4 cup)
With the help of Betty Crocker this cake was so simple.  Melt the butter on the bottom of a 13*9 baking dish.  Once butter is melted add the brown sugar evenly.  Then add your pineapple slices and cherries to the bottom of the pan.  Mix the yellow cake mix as directed with the exception of using pineapple juice instead of water.  Pour the cake mix over the pineapples and bake in the over at 350 for 40 minutes.  Once pan comes out of the oven flip over onto your serving tray.  I put some powdered sugar on plate so it wouldn't stick to the bottom.

Serve with whipped cream or by itself.  YUMMY!

In addition to new food I have been walking, doing squats, and hopefully will be going swimming in my near future.  (That is after I take a nap since I have been on the go since 6:30 this morning.)  Oh and I had extra spicy Chinese food last night with extra hot sauce-- two more items off my list of how to induce naturally.  :)

My hopes are that at our doctors appointment tomorrow he tells us that I am dilated and ready to go!!

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