
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

39 Weeks

39 Weeks... that is 273 days of no sushi, no raw oysters, no champagne buzz, no Excedrin, etc..  

Can you tell that I am very anxious to have my body back?  

My pregnancy really has been pretty great up until this last month or so.  But I am at the point that I am just sick of having to think first of Baby Woos and then of me.  The other day after work I really wanted a glass or two or three of wine but I had to resist... and what is strange is that I really haven't craved any alcohol while pregnant.  I think it is because I know it is so close and that is what is triggering me to want the things I know I can't have.  I know I will always being thinking of Baby Woos but it is going to be soo nice to exercise and bust my butt knowing I don't have to worry if my heartbeat gets to high or if I have a small cramp because I know it won't have anything to do with the baby.  

Signs to look forward to this week:  

-false labor
-water breaking
-mucus plug
-more cramping
-braxton hicks contractions

Basically all the signs are for me to be ready at any time to go into labor.

Today was my last day of work and I am officially ready to go into labor and have Baby Woos.  So although I am not dilated I am doing my best to speed up this process.  I had a prenatal massage yesterday and had my therapist massage every trigger spot that she knows of.  I have been eating extra spicy food and I am trying to stay active around the house cleaning.  Plus I will finally be able to go for a walk tonight-- it has been raining like cats and dogs here for the past week and then when it finally stops raining it is so humid and miserable outside.

I was looking online for other ways to naturally induce labor and came across a few new ideas to me that I will be trying these next few days:

  • balsamic vinegar
  • bananas & pineapple
  • basil & oregano
  • bouncing on an exercise ball
  • bumpy car ride
  • chinese food
  • dancing 
  • eggplant
  • kneeling on all fours
  • spicy food
  • squats
  • swimming
  • walking

Who knows what will work, if anything, but it doesn't hurt to try.  I think Baby Woos will just come out when he is ready!

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