
Friday, July 26, 2013

Nana & Grandpa

I am so thankful that my mom was here with me the first two weeks of Baby Woos' life.  Although I didn't except to be in the hospital until Friday it was so nice knowing my mom was here.  When you are 10, 20, or 31 having your mom around always makes you feel better.

I am not going to lie.  The first week at home I don't think I could have done it without my mom.  I was taking care of Baby Woos but I kept forgetting that I just went through a major surgery and taking care of myself was the hard part.  My mom always made sure I was drinking enough water, made sure that I ate, and did all of the house chores including the cooking.  Mom's cooking is the best! It is really easy to get consumed by your little one and forget to eat or take care of yourself.  She also made sure that I would nap when Baby Woos was sleeping at least one time a day.  Donnie helped out too but having my mom at home with me helped me sooo much.  She also calmed my nerves when Baby Woos spit up or had hiccups and helped teach me how to burp him and bath him.

Baby Woos loved having Nana at the house too.  Every morning we would have our coffee on the back porch and then Baby Woos would sit with Nana.  Anytime he would get hungry he would try to suck on my mom's shoulder.  Nana also knick-named Baby Woos "bird-man" because anytime he would get hungry he would open his mouth like little birds do waiting for their mom to feed them.

Grandpa also came down from NY to meet his first grandson.  He was/is a very proud Grandpa.  This is the first grandchild on both sides of our families.  And this is also the first boy that has been born on my dad's side of the family.  

We enjoyed having Nana and Grandpa here and can't wait to see them again soon!  XXOO

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