
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bath Time Fun

Baby Woos has graduated from his sponge bath to a big boy bath in his tub. He loves his bath and so does mommy.  The first time I bathed him I had the diaper on until the end (in case of an accident) but now he bathes completely nude.  

Since diapers have not been my friends (mostly disposable) he has had some blow-out accidents and therefore bath time is a must!  (more on diapers later) No one likes a stinky boy.

Here mommy and daddy are giving him a bath together.  

For now I like giving him baths on my bathroom floor because I feel like I have more control.  Once he can hold his head up I think I will be moving him into the kitchen.  

Bath time is so much fun.  He loves being in the water.  Last time when I took him out of the water he peed on me and started to cry a little... not sure if the cold air got to him or if he was upset bath time was over.  

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