
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Recovery From a C Section

The number one reason why I did not want to have a c section was because I knew that the recovery time is typically much longer.  But all things happen for a reason and its not such a bad thing to have to rely on others to help you in the first few weeks of being a mommy.

Daddy had to change the first few diapers because I couldn't get out of bed.  My calves had wraps on them that were plugged into the bed that massaged them so I wouldn't get blood clots so even if I wanted to get out of bed I couldn't.  (Don't worry- I had a catheter in place since Monday.)  Thankfully, daddy got a hang of it right away.  

The day after surgery the nurses came into my room and told me that I could finally shower.  Although taking a shower sounded like a fantastic idea I will admit it was incredibly painful to stand up and get out of bed- even with the help of the two nurses.  Thankfully Donnie was there with me because he literally had to help me shower and I couldn't have done it without him.

My mom, and Sarah & Anthony also came back to visit at the hospital.  And my wonderful husband spent every night with me at the hospital.  I couldn't get out of bed without the help of someone and was very dependable on my husband. 

We had to stay in the hospital until Friday afternoon for my body to recover... and although I wanted to get home to my house I really wasn't complaining that I was in the hospital because I knew I needed the help of the nurses.  

The first time I was able to walk around the hallways of the hospital was on Thursday and although I was walking at the pace of the turtle it felt great to be able to walk.  

On the car ride home on Friday I sat in the back with our son.  I never realized how many bumps are on the roads because with every bump I would get a sharp pain in my stomach.  Baby Woos was completely zonked out on the car ride home because he was still on pain medicine from getting circumcised only an hour before we left the hospital. 

Now that I have been home a little over a week, I am off of my strong pain meds, I have been going on short walks, and the pain gets less every day.  I know the road to being able to do a sit-up is going to be a long road but I am going to take it slow.  I don't want to do something to tear a stitch and then start recovery all over again.  I know it may be a while before I am in my pre-pregnancy jeans but as long as my stitches heal properly I am willing to wait.

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