
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

One Week Since Delivery

I am happy to announce that Dylan Carter made his arrival at 6:51 on Tuesday, July 9th. He weighed 9 ilbs 4 oz and was 21 inches long.

I have a ton of posts that I want to write about including his birth story, first doctors appointment, my hospital stay, and show you tons pictures of him.  But today so I don't get behind on my weeks I am going to talk about me.

Today is exactly one week since I gave birth to Dylan.  It was a long process (that you will learn about) but for now all you need to know is that I had to have a c section.  Recovery process is going to take a while!

1 week post-partum
And this is my c section scar that is healing nicely, but is also requiring me to take it much easier and absolutely no lifting anything heavier then Baby Woos.

Although I am no rush to get back into my pre-maternity jeans I am curious to see how long it will take me to even get doctors approval to do more around the house.  My first doctor's appointment is next Monday so I will find out how I am doing then.  

Now here are some adorable pictures of our sweet son: 

This was taken about an hour after delivery in my recovery room at East Cooper.

This was taken when Dylan was 1 day old- still in the hospital.

Baby Woos is finally home.

Our big boy is sleeping in his own crib for nap time.

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