
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

One Week Left- Hopefully!

Wow I can't believe that Baby Woos is going to grace us with his presence in one week or less as long as things go as planned :).  I think we are ready-- or as ready as two new parents can be.  This is also my last week of work before maternity leave.

Our Hospital Bags are packed:

So maybe I packed a little too much for Baby Woos but I want him to be comfortable snuggled up.  In his diaper bag I packed him two onesies- (different sizes in case he is a big boy), a gown (no snaps for easy diaper changes), burp cloth (unnecessary but fun and good for pictures), receiving blanket, a swaddle, hats, diaper, and nursing cover. 

Our bag:  includes toiletries, change of clothes for Donnie, change of clothes for me, nursing bras, nursing pads, odds and ends, and Baby Woos' baby book.  The reason for packing his baby book is to see if when they do his fingerprints if they can do a hand and foot print for our book.  This idea I stole off of an information sheet my insurance company set us of what to pack.  

I also made sure to pack our insurance information because for whatever reason we need to call the insurance company within 24 hours of his birth and add him to our policy to avoid complications.  I thought I misread this information because within 24 hours seems so unrealistic but after speaking with our insurance company and billing at the hospital they said calling is a must unless I want to have a headache trying to add him later in the month (although technically I have 31 days to add him). 

I'm also pretty sure that Baby Woos wants out.  He is a strong boy and has already left me with one small bruise on my stomach from him kicking me: 

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment and I haven't made much progress so now it is time for me to kick up my spicy foods, pineapple eating, and walks.  I am also going to get in one last prenatal massage to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.  I have another appointment on Friday of this week so hopefully something has changed and we can go forward on Monday.  I know that Baby Woos can't really be rushed and he will come out when he is ready but his mommy is ready now!

Do you really think that my stomach can grow any larger?  I think I am stretched to the limits!!!

I still don't have all the maternity photos and although I am not a huge fan of the bare belly pictures it is part of my pregnancy story and they will be super fun to look at down the road.  The pictures of me in my black dress will go into frames while my bare belly pictures will be for me :)

1 comment:

  1. You are soooooooooo ready!! Pics are beautiful!
    Baby Woos has a HOT MaMa!!
