
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

You Learn Something New Every Day

Things that Happen While Pregnant that I've never heard of...

I think that everyone has heard about women getting morning sickness during the first trimester.  Luckily, I was not one of these people so during my first trimester I didn't really have any bad symptoms of being pregnant.  Onto my second trimester and not only are my clothes not fitting I have been experiencing some new symptoms that come to find out are normal during pregnancy. 
1. Headaches

The primary culprit is, as usual, the hormonal changes you're going through. Other causes of headaches might be fatigue, tension, increased hunger during pregnancy, physical or emotional stress, overheating, or a combination of any or all of these.

I have always had headaches and my remedy has been to take excedrin, wait 5 minutes, and my headache is gone.  But unfortuantly you can't take excedrin when pregnant.  The only drug that you are allowed to take is acetaminophen, aka tynelol, which doesn't do anything for me.  My doctor even prescribed me medicine similar to loratab and this does not relieve my headaches.  The only way I can get rid of my headache, probably more of a migraine, is to put ice on my head and lay down in bed with the blinds closed.  My prescribed medicine helps me go to sleep so with the ice and a long nap I usually wake up feeling better.  I have to admit the pain was so bad twice that I broke down and had excedrin.  I told me doctor and she said once in a blue moon the medicine isn't going to harm you but do NOT use it as your daily remedy. 

Experts Advice:  
  • To prevent stress from building up and turning into a tension headache, take a prenatal yoga class, meditate, or do some breathing exercises — anything that'll help you relax.
  • For all kinds of headaches, keep eating — the low blood sugar that results from skipping meals can trigger a headache.

Next week I hope to start prenatal yoga classes so I am hoping that these classes may help with my headaches. 

2. Bloody Nose
Nosebleeds During Pregnancy     
I have not had a typical bloody nose but every time I blow my nose I am always blowing out blood, and blood clots.... GROSS. 

Nosebleeds during pregnancy are more common as the blood vessels in the body expand and the volume of blood pumping through the body expand during pregnancy. Being pregnant can increase the pressure in the blood vessels in your nose, contributing to nosebleeds.

Expert Advice:
  • Try using a humidifier in your room at night to keep the air moist in your room. Dry air can dry out mucous membranes and contribute to nosebleeds.
  • Avoid blowing too hard particularly when you have a cold. Use soft tissue products like those with aloe to help soothe your nose.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids during the day to keep your mucous membranes functioning properly. Dry mucous membranes are more likely to bleed than well hydrated ones.
I am going to invest in a humidifier (and then keep it in the babies room) and drink more water.  Hope this helps!  I have never (knock on wood) had  afull nose bleed and hope I never will have one.   

3. You hate foods you used to love

Yes I have heard of food cravings and a new found love for pickles and icecream but I did not think that I would start to hate certain foods that I used to love.

Why? Hormonal changes can really throw your body out of whack and make you feel nauseous. As a result, pregnant women can suddenly be turned off by foods they used to love. They also have a heightened sense of smell, which can throw you off certain foods.

My food list is short right now but it includes bananas, fish, and shrimp.

Bananas- I just recently fell in love with a new shake that included 1/2 a banana, peanut butter, and almond/coconut milk.  What is not to love?  I was so happy that I found it to be sooo delicious because it was a way for me to get more calicum and  then about two weeks ago the smell and taste of bananas really made me sick.  At first I thought it was just the texture, then it was the smell too, and the taste. Yuck!

Fish and Shrimp-  I think the reason why I can't eat fish or shrimp now is because the smell is overpowering to me.  Normally mahi mahi is not a "fishy" fish but last time I tried to eat it I had to give it to my husband to eat because the taste was way to "fishy" for me.  Same goes for shrimp-- I ordered a shrimp bisque the other day and the smell was a major turn off!!  But just over Christmas I was eatting shrimp cocktail and loving every last bite of each shrimp.

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