
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Maternity Clothes

Well today I dediced that I needed to adjust my wardrobe and buy some maternity clothes.  Last weekend was the last time that I will be able to button my jeans and fit into my work skirts without unzippping them half-way and using my belly band.

my normal clothes with belly band

I am so happy that the "in" look right now is leggings with boots and a longer shirt.  I can wear maternity clothes and not look like an umpa lumpa (from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).

Here is what I came up with today:

my new purchases

Yes that is a a whopping 4 shirts.  I also did invest in a black skirt with a built in belly band and another belly band that is white.  Maternity shopping just wasn't that much fun... or maybe I just needed my mom to throw clothes at me to try on.  She really is the best shopper to shop with.  Also when I was trying on maternity jeans and pants I swear it made my belly look double in size so I think I will stick to my belly band with my jeans until I really can't fit into them anymore.

I did look at maternity bathing suits but didn't really see anything too cute.. plus I want to see if my bottoms still fit and then just get a top.  I know it is still January and I am worried about a bathing suit but my husband and I are going on a cruise to the Bahamas the end of next month so I want to be prepared.  I don't really want Baby Woos to hang out of my bikini.  Although I can't drink I am excited to get out of Charleston and relax with my husband!!  (plus we wont have cellphone service- Hollalula)

One good thing from my short shopping experience is that I did figure out that I am a medium in almost everything so maybe I'll try to order some clothes online and see how that goes.  You would think Charleston would have more then one maternity store to choose from but it doesn't. 

What are some good maternity stores to shop at online?

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