
Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Zoo

From Youngest to Oldest:

I am an animal lover and our pets are really a part of the family.  They are a handful and require tons of attention.  I hope with the addition of Baby Woos it will be a smooth transition with my three trouble makers.

Cat Concerns:
I am very fortunate that Trouble does not use a litter box.  He is an indoor/outdoor cat and has always used the bathroom outdoors.  When we do go out of town and have a pet-sitter (aka our wonderful friends) we do keep a litter box in the house just in case.  Trouble mostly likes to hunt at night and sleep during the day.  But between 4 and 9 the cat likes to go in and out, in and out, and he actually knocks at the door to get in...which then in turn can lead to the dogs barking.

Cats often carry toxoplasmosis, which can lead to infection and is dangerous for pregnant women.  Toxoplasmosis is often found in cats feces and since we don't have a litter box I have one less worry.  However, they advise to also make sure to wear gloves while gardening to avoid any potential contact with feces.  Toxoplasmosis can also be contacted by eatting raw or undercooked meats (particularly lamb, venison, and pork.)  Opps.  I have already eatten my fair share of undercooked venison since my dad is such an amazing cook and makes the vension sooo tasty during Christmas.  On a positive note:  toxoplasmosis is extremely rare during pregnancy, occurring in only 2 out of every 1,000 births. 

Dog Concerns:
Barking: I LOVE having Dallas as a guard dog.  She does have a nasty, mean bark to keep intruders, the pizza man, Fed-Ex, strangers, etc. away.  It is actually entertaining to answer the door and see the UPS man jump off the front step with a package in hand because he is affraid of Dallas' bark.  However, when Dallas barks then Calli barks or visa versa.  When we tell them to stop barking, they stop barking but my concern is when Baby Woos is born I sure hope he or she is a hard sleeper. 

Attention Seekers: Calli definatly believes that she belongs on your lap when you are laying down on the couch.  Sometimes we will push her off but she makes sure that she finds her way back up on the couch.  She does have a bed that she will sleep in sometimes but she prefers the body warmth of us.  One exception: if we have the fire going then she prefers to sit in front of the fire.

Change in Behavior:  Some dogs become aloof and want nothing to do with you.  They could also become stressed and exhibit anxiety, such as pacing and excessive licking.  Other dogs may be may vocal in protection, barking and growling at others who approach you or the baby.  When my cousin had her twins their small dog hated the babies and wanted to attack them and constantly growled at them.  Eventually they had to get rid of their dog.  I'm pretty sure that we won't have a problem with Dallas or Calli but it is just a thought.  Dallas has been around small children and babies before and has been wonderful.  She also knows to play softer with puppies which is so cute.  Calli, on the other hand, likes to chase children if they are running, but I think its all in good fun.  I just hope they will continue to be such wonderful dogs! 

Another Day at the Beach

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