
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sleeping and Pregnancy


I never knew that sleeping was going to be such a pain in the butt while being pregnant.  Not only do I wake up during the middle of the night EVERY night to pee but I can not get comfortable.  Pregnancy books all tell you that you should no longer sleep on your back and sleep on your left side, but why?  When I think about how I slept before I was pregnant, I don't think I ever slept on my back.  But now that I shouldn't sleep on my back I want to sleep on my back.  Isn't it strange that you always seem to want the things you can't or shouldn't have?


Sleeping on Your Left Side (and not your back):

Here's a quick anatomy lesson that will help us understand why this sleeping position is recommended:
The vena cava is a large vein that begins around the area of your belly button. It is the vein that is responsible for bringing all the unoxygenated blood from your lower extremities to your heart. This blood is delivered to the right side of your heart, sent through your lungs to get oxygen, circulates back to the left side of your heart and expresses out to your brain and body. Specifically, it is sending blood to the uterus, which is providing all the blood and oxygen to your baby.
Experts recommend that pregnant women not sleep on their backs during the second and third trimesters because of the weight of the growing uterus and baby pressing the vena cava. If compressed, it can interfere with optimum circulation (and circulation is a pregnancy's best friend).  If you're sleeping on your back it can also lead to muscle aches and pains which is uncomfortable for you and again can reduce circulation to your baby.  If this occurs for a long period of time, it can potentially decrease the blood flow and therefore nutrients – to your baby.  When you lay on your left side, the uterus is no longer compressing the vena cava. 

Must Learn to Relax:

I think one of the reasons that I don't sleep that well is that when I wake up I'm usually laying more on my stomach rather then my side.  Although I have not found any research that sleeping on your stomach is bad for the baby, I am conscious that I should be on my left side and it is not always so comfortable.  I'm learning to relax more and realize that if something was wrong I would be feeling dizzy, sweaty, & nauseous-- which has never happened to me while sleeping.   

So when I get into bed every night I have two king size pillows on both my left and right sides of me, plus many more pillows for my head.  Yes, I have a real love for pillows.  Having the pillows at my sides have really helped me get more comfortable since I hug my legs around one and place the other under my back a little to keep me on my side. 
Have you ever had problems with sleeping while pregnant?  If so, what did you do to get a better nights sleep?

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