
Monday, January 21, 2013

Races while Pregnant?

Race Fun:

Since I have been pregnant with Baby Woos I have completed in a Marine Mud Run (see ), a 10K, and a 5K (see ).  I have to admit that Baby Woos was in the very early stages during the Mud Run since they actually start the date of of pregnancy from the date of your last period and obviously I did not know I was pregnant at the time of the race.

[On a side note, the blogs I refer you to above are from my boot camp instructor and friend.  She has been the person to really make me enjoy exercising again and she is the one that has given me a new love for competing in races.  The first race that I ever competed in was in August 2012 with her and her husband.  Now I love looking ahead for new races and challenges.]

                     Mud Run from October 2012-   (just an egg- dated 1 week)

                       Reindeer 5K from December 2012- (9 weeks Pregnant)

So why am I mentioning the runs now?  As I said above I have a new love for competing in races but how much exsercise and running should I do when I am pregnant.  In February my friend Kristi and I are planning to sign up for the Race and Roast which is a 5K through an old plantation followed by an oyster roast.  Yum!!  I don't plan on setting a new PR but I just hope to run the entire race.

After that 5K I may have to run/walk other races until after Baby Woos is born, but why?
  • Blurred Vision
  • Dizziness
  • Heavy Feeling
These are some of the symptoms that I have been having while working out and it got to me to thinking that I may have to go ahead and invest in a heart heart monitor and figure out how I can stop the dizziness and blurred vision.  Some people would stop exercising all together if they experienced blurred vision but I am not one of them.  In the past, when I have not been pregnant, sometimes after a hard set of one exercise, and especially during bikram yoga, I would feel dizzy and my vision would blur.  My remedy was to just sit there stare ahead, drink some water, and I would be fine in a few seconds.  My instuctor in Bikram yoga, which is a hot yoga, even said in class that it was normal to feel dizzy so I have always excepted that these dizzy spells were normal.  Now that I have Baby Woos inside me forming I am more cautious about these dizzy spells and need to try and prevent them.

I think the 2 culprits for feeling this way are:  (of course at my next doctors appointment I will ask her if she has any other suggestions)

Low Blood Sugar
Your body uses sugar, in the form of glucose, to fuel most of its functions. If you don't get enough to eat, your body will not have enough glucose, a condition referred to as hypoglycemia. It is a common condition in those with diabetes but can occur in people who don't have it. If you are exercising in the morning before eating breakfast or missing meals, your blood sugar will usually be low, which can lead to dizziness. Other symptoms, such as nausea, increased heart rate and trembling may also occur. Eating at least two to four hours before exercising can help avoid low blood sugar. If you forgot to eat a full meal, eating a smaller snack such as crackers or fruit before exercise can help. Dizziness that occurs during exercise due to low blood sugar can be remedied by drinking a fruit juice or other snack high in sugar.

Blurred Vision can also be caused by hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. You may experience this while exercising because your body is using your stored glucose for energy. Among other symptoms, the Mayo Clinic reports, hypoglycemia can cause blurred vision, heart palpitations, tremor, anxiety and even loss of consciousness. To prevent your vision from getting blurry from hypoglycemia, eat before you work out.

Blood Pressure Spikes
Vigorous exercise can cause a temporary spike in your blood pressure because of the increase in your heart rate. Weightlifting can have the same effect. The long-term benefits of regular, moderate exercise far outweigh the risk of a temporary spike for most people. However, even a momentary increase in blood pressure can cause blurred vision, headaches and dizziness. Listen to your body while exercising; if it is telling you to stop or slow down, do so.

For now I am going to try and eat a better breakfast before heading to bootcamp first thing in the morning.  I also have to remember that I am pregnant and not being the 1st in the class to finish is alright!  Other runners have run well into their pregancy.  I know that everyone is different and the number one thing for me to do is to LISTEN TO MY BODY.  If it tells me to stop, STOP.

In addition I am going to invest in a heart rate monitor and learn where my heart rate should be.  Once I figure out all of that I will let you know how I enjoy the monitor and if it helps.

And- lastly but probably the most important I will talk to my doctor and get her professional opinion as to what I should do.  The last time we spoke, she said that I could continue with my boot camp and running but to cut down my intensity level.  She told me that I should work out at a level like I was nursing an injury.  It is hard for me to slow down, so in future classes and runs I will do my best to slow down!  I think the heart rate monitor will help in keeping me at the right intensity level.

Have you ever felt dizzy or had blurred vision while working out?

Have you ever used a heart rate monitor that you like?

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