
Friday, January 18, 2013

Why Baby Woos?

I don't really know how to start a blog but I will give it a try.  I think the easiest way to figure out why I want to blog is best answered by the who, what, where, why analysis that we all learned in school.

Who:  I am a 31 year old criminal defense attorney who loves her wine and food, who loves to exercise and push herself to unknown limits, and who is pregnant with her first child.  Although I am no longer enjoying wine I am still trying to maintain being as active as my body will allow me to be. 

What:  I'm not exactly sure how this blog is going to shape out but I hope to blog about being pregnant, the obstacles that I am having, and any adventures that we have.  Since I also love wine and food so much I will post some of my favorite food creations, and any fails or successes from pintrest recipes.  Being pregnant my taste buds are ever so changing so I do having some strange cravings, mostly hot and spicy foods.

Where:  I am originally from New York, my husband is from Kentucky, and we now live in Charleston, South Carolina.  Yes I am a transplanted Yankee to the South.  I don't like grits, sweet tea, or fried chicken. My favorite teams are Syracuse, the Yankees, and Kentucky (my husbands team). Also when I say New York, I need to clarify and say upstate New York in the country.  I really am a country girl at heart but love living in beautiful Charleston. 

Why:  The main reason for this blog is to keep others up to date with my pregnancy and then hopefully the little one once our child is born.  Pregnancy is not as easy as I imagined and I'm sure that their are other people in my shoes.  I really want to track how my belly grows and think it will be something nice to look back on once our baby is born.  Currently I am 15 weeks pregnant.  Every week I hope to have a new baby bump picture to upload.  I am active in boot camp 3 days a week and I hope to continue boot camp until my body tells me no.  Since I've been pregnant Baby Woos has completed a Marine Mud Run (I didn't know yet that I was pregnant), a 10K run, and a 5K run.  Being pregnant and not being able to do the same physical things is pretty frustrating.  I mean I know that my baby is the size of an apple now but I can not do a full sit-up.  Little things like this no one tells you about!

When:  I'll try to blog regularlly.  This weekend there may be a blog overload but I just want to catch everyone up on Baby Woos. 

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