
Monday, January 28, 2013

Food for Thought

Finally back to Home.  I love going to Alabama every year but their is something to say about sleeping in your own bed, eatting on your time schedule, and being able to get outdoors and out of florcent lighting. 

Here is one more clip I highly recommend to everyone:  Being a Public Defender is NOT easy.

Baby Talk:
Today I had another doctors appointment to hear our babies heartbeat.  I can't beleive how fast the babies heartbeat is.  Baby Woos has a completly healthy heartbeat and everything sounds perfect so we are thrilled!!  Our next big appointment is February 22nd where we find out if Baby Woos is a baby girl or boy.  So excited. 

Fun Fact:  Pregnancy myth suggests that an unborn baby's heart rate can predict the baby's gender, with faster heart rates (above 140 bpm) indicating a girl and slower heart rates indicating a boy. The basis for this is the faster metabolism of baby girls.  If this myth holds any water then we are looking at a baby girl.

Headaches and Dizziness:
When I was discussing my headaches and dizzy spells with my doctor she told me that I need to make sure to get more protein in my diet.  Unfortunatly meat is not appealing these days so now I am trying to figure out how to get extra protein.  My mom did suggest I try using different spices and seasonings too-- I hope this helps for chicken.

I am good about eatting an egg every morning.  Call me crazy but one fried egg on a multi-grain English Muffin with jaolpenos and avocado is sooo tasty.  Sometimes I do mix it up and add spinach and mushrooms too.  Yummy!!

I also try to snack on nuts or apples with peanut butter but I know that is not going to cut it.  After doing some quick research I found that I can adjust my diet just slightly and I will be good to go.

Lunch Addition: 
 Greek Yogurt:  Chobani contains only natural ingredients so it’s a naturally good for you indulgence. Chobani has two times more protein per serving than regular yogurt and each serving you will find 13-18g of protein.  One cup of yogurt at lunch can act as both my dessert and my protein. 

Dinner Substitute:
Quinoa contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a "complete protein". Just one cup of cooked quinoa contains 18 grams of protein, as well as nine grams of fiber.  I recently started eatting Quinoa so instead of my pasta I am going to have to substitute in quinoa.  I made a fabulous stuffed peppers recipe with quinoa a month or so ago and I also made a chicken and quinoa bake with artichokes and broccoli to die for so I think I will add that to my menu this week. 

Simple Enough!  Since I already eat an egg for breakfast and nuts with fruit for snacks these simple fixes will get me enough protein a day.  I am lucky that I love my vegetables and I don't have to worry about changing my diet too much. 

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