
Friday, June 14, 2013

Work Baby Shower

This past Wednesday my girlfriends from work gave myself and two other girls from work (who are also pregnant) a Baby Shower.  Alicia and I are due one day apart and just happen to be the two attorneys in the office that focus on DUI cases.  We actually found out about eachother being pregnant at a DUI conference where we were supposed to drink for part of seminar.. pretty funny moment.  This was in early November when we were keeping it a secret from many other people. 

Latasha, Alicia, and Me

(The booth in this picture is dark green so it makes me look extra wide but I promise its an illusion)

It was a wonderful shower shared with my co-workers and friends.  Our office has always been very supportive and generous when it comes to showing support for others.  We had the shower at my girlfriend's pizza restaurant.

All three of us are having baby Boys:

The "theme" of the party was FOOD.
They had all our favorite sweets (me-coconut cake) and cravings. 
My craving: fruit; Latasha's craving: cheese-cake; Alicia's craving: donut holes

Gift Time:
We each had our own gifts to open and the office was very generous in giving each of us a $170 giftcard to Babies-R-Us.

Dylan got his own personalized clothes, burp clothes, and blanket:  I have to admit these gifts almost brought a tear to my eyes because it really makes it real and personal!  Can't wait for Dylan to arrive!

Some of my favorite ladies:

I can't believe how fortuante Donnie and I have been with all the gifts that Dylan has received.  I already went to Babies-R-Us (because they had a 2 day coupon of 20% off ENTIRE purchase) and bought the remaining items for Dylan.  The only thing left to get now is a chair for the nursery which we are hopefully going to pick up this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you. Nice to have work celebrate ya'll.
