
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

35 Weeks

So we've made it to 35 weeks.  I can't believe I am almost 9 months pregnant.  To be honest it doesn't seem like it has been that long... I guess because first and second trimesters were so easy for me.  My friend asked me the other day how I would rate my pregnancy on scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst/most uncomfortable/hard and I honestly told him I would rate my pregnancy a 3.  Although I have complained some I feel blessed how easy my pregnancy has been.

So what is going on with me? 
I actually feel pretty good.  My leg cramps and headaches have gone away- and I attribute this to me being able to go swimming and be active without any cramps or pains.  I do have abdominal cramps but it is mostly from all the kicking from Baby Woos. He is a real active baby.  Earlier this week at my doctors appointment when we were listening to his heartrate you could also here "swish, swish, swish" from all oh his movement.  And there is NOT much room to move around in me any more.  My belly is at full potential.  I haven't grown over 45 inches round (although it doesn't look that way) but I have been putting on more weight so I guess Baby Woos is taking all the weight for himself. 

According to my uterus has grown about 1,000 times its original size to help accomodate Baby Woos.  Baby Woos is also about the size of a coconut- 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and 4.2 to 5.8 ibs.  Although he feels like he is the size of a watermelon and weighs 10 pounds.  :) 

More symptoms at 35 weeks:
- there aren't any more strange symptoms to add to the list- Yea!

What's going on with Baby Woos? 
He is now fully developed and responds best to high-pitched noises.  Also, his testes have most likely fully descended by now.  Baby Woos is finished being cooked and now is just plumping up for his delivery. 

Baby Woos is still being difficult in that he is a constant mover and my doctor doesn't know exactly how he is positioned inside me.  He is no longer sideways from what they can tell but don't know if he is head down or not.  Next Wednesday we will be having an ultrasound done to find his exact position.  After the ultrasound he could always move again but this gives the doctors a much better idea if he is head down.  I'm crossing my fingers he is head down because I really want to avoid a cesection if at all possible!

Look how low  my belly is.  My cervix is still closed but is soft - which is a good sign.  He is measured at 35.5 weeks right now according to my doctor.  Knowing that I am not dilated yet makes me more comfortable and in my head I don't need to worry about the surprised waterbreaking until at least after next Wednesday.  :)


  1. Whoa. Cant believe yt belly. You glow

  2. Yes- my belly is out of control! But honestly I wish there was more room for Baby Woos so his kicks didn't hurt as much :)
