
Friday, August 2, 2013

Bottle Feeding Time

We have now moved onto week 3 and for the past few days I have been pumping some milk.  Although I will still be breastfeeding most of the time it is nice to have a bottle on hand if company is over and it gives Daddy a time to bond with his son.

We first tried the bottle two nights ago and I would categorize it as a success.  It wasn't perfect but it was a success.  Only practice will make perfect.
Daddy making faces to encourage him to take the bottle

Last night we also gave Baby Woos a bottle at night and with the combination of the bottle at night and a late feeding of around 10:15 he slept until 3:45 for his night time feeding and then we were up at 7:00 this morning.  If sleeping on a full stomach can get us more sleep time then we will be feeding him a bottle every night.  

Wow-- what was the bottle thing?

I actually really don't mind pumping too much either.  We have made it part of our morning routine.  While I sit on the floor and pump Baby Woos gets to play with his Boppy (his pillow), CoCo (his monkey) and we get to listen to music or read together. 

Night time pumping is a little harder because I'm ready to go to bed but every little bit counts and an extra 10-15 minutes is really painless as long as I have a good book.  Baby Woos likes to pass out in my lap after his feedings 

or he will pass out on his Boppy on the floor.

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