
Sunday, August 18, 2013

More Pictures...

Being a mom I am ALWAYS busy.  From feedings, to changing diapers, to walks, cleaning, laundry, and nap time I don't seem to have much free time and the hours of a day go by so fast.  I love every minute of it.

Depending on the time of day- Baby Woos is starting to like his diaper changing time.  I love kissing his belly and cheeks!

Nap time is so important- but Baby Woos gets more naps then me.

He loves to sleep with his arms over his head-- too cute!!

He will even nap in his stroller on walks.

I know I have talked about my moby wrap- but really it is a savior.  We even had a party to go to last night and I wore Baby Woos in his wrap the entire party and he slept on me.  Its also nice because people don't ask to hold him :)

Morning time fun:

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