
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Boot Camp

At my 6 week check up on August 19th I was cleared to exercise again!  I was very excited that my body was healing just like they wanted and I was good to go.  But then reality set in and I realized I had to start from the beginning with exercise.  I tried a few lunges at the house and tried to hold a plank but after a couple lunges and 20 seconds of holding a plank I gave up.  I knew that the only way I would really start exercising again was to join boot camp again.  After trying on some pre-pregnancy clothes it gave me the motivation I needed to sign up for my boot camp class.

I really do love going to boot camp but I did not realize how hard it really was going to be.  I am proud to say that on my first day back (this past Monday) I did complete 15 sit-ups during warmup but I had to give it everything I had.  I know that my body went through a lot (especially since I had a csection) and some women can't do a situp for a long time after giving birth but although I was proud of myself I also felt a bit defeated.

Today at class it was even harder because it was very core intensive.  I kept getting frustrated with myself.  Its super hard not to compare myself to how I was before; especially since I was doing all the exercises 7 months pregnant.  It is going to be a long, frustrating road to getting back into shape but I am in it for the long haul because I love the way I feel after I complete a class and I really do love challenging myself through exercise.

To give me extra motivation I have already signed up for a 10K race November 2nd.  This the race that I ran where after the race I knew something just wasn't right and a couple days later I found out I was pregnant.  

I found out during class that my right arm is so much stronger then my left arm right now since I usually carry Baby Woos in my right arm.  Here he is in the moby again and this is my "no-hands" picture :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Birthday

Happy Birthday to Me!

I must admit this birthday was much different from my past birthdays but one of the best birthdays yet.  My husband gave me my birthday present (a camcorder) a week early because as soon as he buys something he has to give it to me right away.  He had my engagement ring for only a couple hours before he proposed.  But yesterday morning I got to wake up to the best present ever- Baby Woos.

We had bath time:

Then I was surprised with flowers and a homemade cake (Donnie didn't make it but got it from our friend who makes cake).

Mommy and baby took an afternoon nap together:

Had some rocking time together on our sun porch.

And then mommy, daddy, and baby woos went up to our favorite sushi bar so I could have a tuna roll that I couldn't eat for 9 months while pregnant.  This was also my first time having a drink in a bar of 2013. (and maybe a little saki too).  

When we got home, Sarah, Anthony and Jeff came over for a nightcap.  We cooked pork tenderloin and had a wonderful time.  It is very nice to have stored breast milk in the fridge so I could give Baby Woos a bottle and not worry about having two glasses if wine. :)  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

More Pictures...

Being a mom I am ALWAYS busy.  From feedings, to changing diapers, to walks, cleaning, laundry, and nap time I don't seem to have much free time and the hours of a day go by so fast.  I love every minute of it.

Depending on the time of day- Baby Woos is starting to like his diaper changing time.  I love kissing his belly and cheeks!

Nap time is so important- but Baby Woos gets more naps then me.

He loves to sleep with his arms over his head-- too cute!!

He will even nap in his stroller on walks.

I know I have talked about my moby wrap- but really it is a savior.  We even had a party to go to last night and I wore Baby Woos in his wrap the entire party and he slept on me.  Its also nice because people don't ask to hold him :)

Morning time fun:

Monday, August 12, 2013

Milk & Cookies

Breastfeeding is definitely rewarding and challenging.  Baby Woos facial expressions after a feeding are the best and I love how he always grunts and stretches after his feedings.  However, breast feeding him is a HUGE commitment.  I know that I want to continue breast feeding but right now I am trying to figure out how to pump more to be able to offer him more bottles of breast milk.  So- it feels like I feed or pump all day.

After the bottle, Baby Woos doesn't always seem satisfied.  We have been giving him 3 oz bottles.  I'm not sure if he is really still hungry or if he just wants to continue to suck on something.  To try and help satisfy him we have been able to introduce the pacifier (binky).

This is very new to us because previously he would just spit out the paci and he didn't want anything to do with it.  Now I think sucking on it makes him more satisfied after a feeding.  I don't want him to get dependent on his paci but for now it still is a challenge for him to take the paci instead of my finger.  It is a learning experience.

Although the pacifier may be a quick fix after bottle feedings maybe Baby Woos really does need to be drinking more then 3 oz a feeding ???  Night feedings he seems completely satisfied on 3 oz and during the day he seems like he may want more... but I'm not too sure because he is mostly on the breast.  I guess it will be trial and error over the next couple weeks til we really figure it out.  

Passed out after a night (8:00) feeding:

In hopes to increase my milk supply to be able to pump more I made myself a batch of oatmeal-blueberry cookies.  I don't want to increase my supply to much because it can be super uncomfortable but an extra 3-5 oz a day would be ideal.

Oatmeal is supposed to help increase milk supply.

Oatmeal Blueberry Cookies:

These cookies are super moist (almost too moist if their is such a thing) and delicious... plus they are fairly healthy.  Next batch I am going to try dark chocolate instead of blueberries.

-2 cups quick oats
-1.5 cup flour
-1.5 cup brown sugar
-1 egg
-1 single serving applesauce
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 container blueberries
-1 tsp baking soda

How to:  Combine the apple sauce with brown sugar first.  Then add the rest of the wet ingredients and stir and then add the dry ingredients.  Last step fold in the blueberries.  Put on baking sheet and bake at 350 for 13 minutes. 


Friday, August 9, 2013

1 month old

I can't believe our baby boy is already one month old. I love being a mommy-- even with the sleepless nights and getting pooped on.  Every day is a new surprise and he keeps growing & amazing me. 

Dylan's Favorites:

  • Loves going for walks in the stroller.  
  • Nap time on mommy or in the moby.  Soon-  hopefully sooner then later- he will also enjoy his naps in his crib.
  • Bottle feeding time with daddy.  Last night he even put his hands on the bottle like he was trying to hold it like a big boy.

Mommy's Favorites:
  • Boppy pillow.  It makes my life so much easier having the pillow wrap around me for feedings.
  • Breast Pump--  although it gets frustrating sometimes when it seems like I'm pumping forever for 1 oz I love being able to make bottles so dad can help with the feedings and I can have a glass of wine with no worries.
  • Swings-  so easy to set Dylan down so I can eat, do dishes, etc

What's going on with mommy?
I am happy to say I have lost 32 pounds but these last ten are going to be hard to lose.  I also can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans and button them but they are a little snug. I wish that I could do a situp because my belly is flabby!  I am still on restriction until my 6 week follow up so I will just continue to walk.  Today I am also going to start to pay closer attention to what I have been eating-- I really don't have an excuse to eat candy or tons of bread anymore.  :)  

One Month Post Baby

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Moby Wrap

Baby Woos is for the majority of the time a very relaxed baby...but he does have his crying fits sometimes.  To calm him down we can walk him in his stroller or if I need to get things done in the house I turn to my Moby wrap.

A friend suggested that this wrap works miracles for crying babies so the week before Dylan was born I went and bought it.  When I took it out of its package it just looked like a long narrow blanket and I had my doubts.  But after a few tries at putting it on & a test-run with my dog Calli I was ready to try with Baby Woos.

Works like a charm.  Even when he is fussy and crying once I get him in the wrap he stops and almost immediately falls asleep.  I guess because he is so snug and it mimics being in the womb.

Whats great is that when he is in the wrap I can do the dishes, make a bowl of cereal  clean up, etc because I have both hands free.  I prefer to still support his head but the wrap really does hold him up.  The picture below he is passed out while I work on the computer.

And sometimes its just easier for him to sleep on me instead of trying to get him to sleep in his crib.  He is great at sleeping at night in his co-sleeper "crib" in our bedroom but during the day he prefers his swings or sleeping on me.

I highly recommend the Moby wrap!!  

I am so glad that it was recommended to me and that I did not give up after the first couple of times trying to learn how to put it on.  

Monday, August 5, 2013

First Outing

For our first outing with Dylan we went to my friends 30th birthday pool party.  Although I couldn't get in the pool we had a great time.  Dylan slept almost the entire 3 hours in his car seat.  He loves the warm weather to sleep in.


There was such a great turnout for Sarah's party.  You can tell we are all getting older because there were also a few kids at the party (all under 2) and it seems like everyone is married now.  I'm happy Dylan will have friends his age to play with once he gets old enough.

Aunt Sarah & Uncle Anthony

We did go in the ac too to cool down for a little:

Today I brought Dylan with me to my office.  Although I am on maternity leave I had to respond to the Supreme Court and had a deadline to meet so Dylan and I worked in my office.  We were there for about 3 hours and he did great.   Slept on my lap most of the time and was able to meet a few of my friends at work.  I'm getting really used to typing with one hand now :)  

I am now confident in taking Dylan out with me on outings or even out to dinner or lunch with us.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


A few weeks ago I thought my belly would pop:

But on July 9th we were blessed with our Baby Boy.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Bottle Feeding Time

We have now moved onto week 3 and for the past few days I have been pumping some milk.  Although I will still be breastfeeding most of the time it is nice to have a bottle on hand if company is over and it gives Daddy a time to bond with his son.

We first tried the bottle two nights ago and I would categorize it as a success.  It wasn't perfect but it was a success.  Only practice will make perfect.
Daddy making faces to encourage him to take the bottle

Last night we also gave Baby Woos a bottle at night and with the combination of the bottle at night and a late feeding of around 10:15 he slept until 3:45 for his night time feeding and then we were up at 7:00 this morning.  If sleeping on a full stomach can get us more sleep time then we will be feeding him a bottle every night.  

Wow-- what was the bottle thing?

I actually really don't mind pumping too much either.  We have made it part of our morning routine.  While I sit on the floor and pump Baby Woos gets to play with his Boppy (his pillow), CoCo (his monkey) and we get to listen to music or read together. 

Night time pumping is a little harder because I'm ready to go to bed but every little bit counts and an extra 10-15 minutes is really painless as long as I have a good book.  Baby Woos likes to pass out in my lap after his feedings 

or he will pass out on his Boppy on the floor.