
Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Eve

Happy New Year!

This year we went to our friends house to celebrate the new year.  Our intention was to stay just a little while but before we knew it we were close to midnight so we stayed.  Baby Woos slept for a while but was up with us to bring in the new year!

He loves playing with his "Uncle" Anthony.
New Years Resolution:

2013 was a great year with the birth of Baby Woos.  2014 is going to be even better watching Baby Woos grow.  I am also going to take this year to start taking care of myself more with clean eating, exercise, and some "me" time.  After having Baby Woos it took a while for my body to get back to normal in terms of size and strength.  Although I am still very weak and not fit my body is strong enough now for me to do push-ups, sit-ups, and other exercises without any problems so there is no more excuses why I can't get back into shape.

Being healthy and in shape make me feel so much better.  The first couple of weeks are going to be hard to stick with healthy eating and exercise but once I get into the swing of it again it will become second nature.  I want to start to run in races again and feel good while running... so 2014 is going to be the year to get my bootie back into shape and then maybe I will be able to run in a half marathon in the fall.  Originally I really wanted to run in the 1/2 marathon this month but I had no idea how much 2 days of labor and a csection was going to effect my strength. 

2014 is going to be a great year!

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