
Saturday, January 18, 2014

6 month Stats

Our boy is growing:

Height:  28.25 inches; 96%
Weight: 19 pounds 13 ounces; 86%
Head Circumference: 18 inches; 97%

Our 6 month well-visit went great.  Baby Woos is a healthy growing baby boy.  Doctor said he was a very strong boy.  While he was getting measured he kept "practicing his sit-ups" by picking up his head and feet at the same time.  He is also teething and his gums are swollen- so any day his bottom two teeth should be coming in.


 At 6 months Baby Woos loves to sit up on his own.  He is staying up longer and longer every day.  He can play with his toys better while sitting which is encouraging him to sit for longer periods.

Baby Woos is also always flipping into his stomach anytime we lay him on his back.  And the past few nights he has been flipping over on his tummy in his crib.  Last night he spent a good 3 hours on his tummy sleeping.  Although Baby Woos slept mommy didn't because she kept watching the monitor making sure he was alright.  I know he is safe on his tummy but the first night just made me a little uneasy.  One night I will get a full night of sleep again... hopefully sometime in the near future :)


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