
Sunday, December 29, 2013


This year we had a week long "Christmas." 

Our first Christmas was at our house just Donnie, Dylan, and I the weekend before Christmas.  We opened up gifts from each other and from my mom and dad in NY.  It just made it easier so we didn't have to transport gifts with us just to bring them back.  Next year we won't be so lucky because Santa will be coming to town.

The picture above is when we handed Dylan his  very first present to open while he was sitting on Daddy's lap.  Dylan loved opening his presents with the help of mommy.  He did rip the wrapping paper and then want to chew on it.

Luckily, Nana bought him books that he can chew on. 

He seemed a little overwhelmed with all of the presents and things to look at- but for the most part loved the beginning of Christmas and loved playing with his new toys.

Then on the 22nd we headed up to North Carolina to see the Woosleys.  We left at 7 at night so Dylan slept the entire time except for about 15 minutes.  We had a wonderful time in North Carolina with the family.


We went and saw Santa.  Dylan did such a great job.  He really was more concerned about everything going on around him then with Santa.  Once he did really look at Santa and grabbed ahold of his beard and didn't want to let go.

Dylan really started to sit up on his own a lot this trip. I was happy that Grandma and Grandpa were able to witness such a great milestone.

Since we celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve we left on Christmas day to miss the traffic around 3.  Once we got home we returned to even more presents from Aunt Ann and Uncle Brad.  It was a nice surprise to come home too... they really like to spoil Dyl Pickle.   Dylan was happy to be home too and went straight into his jump-a-roo with a huge smile on his face...he loves his jump-a-roo.

We were also able to facetime the Winslow's and Hubbell's. I love new technology because although we are miles and miles away we can see each other on video in just one click. 

Our first Christmas together as a family was a success.  After we settled in at home we had a few glasses of wine, listened to Christmas music and played together as a family.

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