
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Growing Up

I cant believe how grown up Baby Woos is getting.  This week is our first week of having a babysitter watch him two days a week while mommy and daddy can work with no distractions.  We are extremely lucky that Dylan is going to our friends house who has a son a month older that him.  Our friend is a stay at home mom so this works out perfectly.  I'm not sure that I could have agreed to drop Dylan off at a complete stranger's house or at a day-care.

They love playing with each other.  They will also be able to learn from each other. 

Some other devolpments this past week include Dylan saying ra ra ra and "mom" or ma ma.  I don't think that he is saying any words with meaning yet and it is more of his babbles but soon very soon he will be saying words.

Baby Woos also tried baby yogurt and he loves it--- as long as I heat it up.  One day he will like food and a bottle that is not warmed up but that day has not come and I don't see it coming for a while.

Baby Woos also is enjoying reading books or chewing books more and more every day.

And lastly out big boy can now go in a shopping cart when we go shopping.  He loves to look around and see what is going on.

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