
Thursday, January 9, 2014

6 Months Old

Baby Woos is 6 Months Old.  Time is flying by. 

He is so thrilled I'm taking his picture here:

His 6 Month Well Visit isn't until the 14th so I don't have all of his new measurements... but I will share them on the 14th.

What Baby Woos Loves:

- He loves rolling over onto his tummy.  The only problem is once he is done playing on his tummy he seems to have forgotten how to roll to his back so he will cry.

-He loves to sit up on his own to play with his toys.

-Loves any toy that lights up and makes noise.

-He is also starting to like books.  He looks at the pictures more and more before he starts chewing on them.

Acting so Serious:


-He Loves Eating Real long as mommy makes it from scratch.  His favorite food is sweet potatos.  We tried to give him butternut squash from the jar and he was not a fan.  I'm going to make homemade squash this weekend and see how he likes it.  He also wasn't a fan of banana.... I think because when you heat up banana the texture is strange and he doesn't like cold food yet.

-Drinking from his own cup with a straw

-His main source of food still comes from his mama.  I'm very proud to say that we have made it 6 months on only breast milk.  Not one drop of formula.  I am going to continue to breast feed- hopefully to 1 year.  It really has gotten easier because I think I finally have the hang of it and with him eating some solids its less milk I need to produce.

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