
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holidays in NY

This year we didn't want to travel with Baby Woos during the holidays so the week before Thanksgiving Baby Woos and I flew to New York to see my family and close friends.  He was an excellent traveler!!  Here's a picture of Dylan on one flight where we had all three seats to ourselves.

At home- Dylan loved playing on his Syracuse blanket with all the new toys Nana spoiled him with.
We spent good quality time with the whole family. 
Ann & Brad came over for our first night home for dinner.  Dylan loves his NY family!

Playtime with Grandpa while watching football:

Dylan with his God Parents:

Mom also prepared a holiday dinner party with our family and close friends.  It was so nice for everyone to finally meet Dylan.  He was a little overwhelmed at first because everyone wanted to hold him but he did great. 

The whole gang at dinner:

and this was Dylan's seat during the feast:

Queenie with Dylan:

During cocktail hour Dylan fell asleep in Aunt Maria's arms:
Ann & I chatting with Queenie. 

Dylan did really well at night sleeping in his crib...except for his last night he was fussy and ended up sleeping in bed with me.  But I woke up to this happy face every morning.

Sleeping with Nana-- he was pooped the day after the party.

Playtime with Aunt Ann and Nana:
Dylan loved being in his bog boy stroller.  This trip was the first time we used it without his carseat.  We still use the stroller daily inside the home-- he loves looking around while sitting up.
Dylan and I also snuck away one day and went to visit Krissy and her daughter Gracie. 

On our way home to the airport it was only 8 degrees out so Dylan got to where his snow suit.

We had such a great trip and can't wait to come visit soon.  Love and Miss you.  XXOO

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